Holiday Phone Settings

Preparing your phones for holiday office closures is important for maintaining clear patient communication. To ensure your phones are ready to manage calls while you're away from the office, establish office holidays in your PBX, define holiday call flows, and add holiday voicemails. These actions can be done anytime, so we recommend setting all your office holidays now so you don't have to worry about it later.

Edit Holiday Phone Settings

Watch this video for a quick tutorial on how to edit holiday phone settings in the PBX:

Step-by-Step Instructions

Review detailed instructions for editing holiday phone settings:

    1. Access the SmartPBX app in the PBX and navigate to Main Number.
    2. Select "Office Holidays."
    3. Here, set an office holiday by clicking "Add Holiday."

    4. Set a holiday as a specific date, a recurring day (e.g., the first Friday of September), or a date range (e.g., December 23–January 1). You can make holidays a one-time event or repeat it annually. Also, choose if the closure applies to the entire day or a specific time range.
    5. Click "Add Holiday." 
    6. Your new holiday will appear on the list of office holidays! Click "Save Changes" to finalize.

    If you close your office early the day before a holiday, include that day as a holiday (e.g., "Day Before Thanksgiving") with a custom time range for the early closure. You can also add the current date to the holiday date range when your office closes early. Save your changes and your phones will automatically switch to the Holiday settings.

    1. Access the SmartPBX app in the PBX and navigate to Main Number.
    2. Select "Incoming Call Handling."
    3. Click "Holidays" from the options.
    4. Select your desired call flow for holiday closures.
    5. Click "Save Changes" when you're finished.
  • Once you've added your office holidays, add a voicemail greeting with a special holiday message. To change your voicemail greeting for the holiday, upload a new recording to the PBX or record a new greeting on your phone.

    See Upload Media to the PBX for instructions on how to add and change your voicemail greeting. 

Learn More About Phones
We encourage you to visit the RevenueWell Customer Academy for detailed trainings on how to make the most out of our Phones, including adjusting settings and preparing for holiday closures. The academy offers valuable insights and resources that will help you maximize its value in your practice, allowing you to provide a streamlined patient experience.

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