
With Campaigns, you now have the ability to create custom recurring campaigns, one time campaigns, access a template library of recurring campaigns, and so much more!

  • Campaigns

    Campaigns will be the "hub" for navigating campaigns -- including your existing campaigns from the Legacy Campaigns tab!

    Within the Campaigns app on the lefthand navigation menu, there will be a new “Legacy Campaigns” section , which contains links to your old automatic campaigns, custom campaigns, and reminders/confirmations.

    To take advantage of the features in Campaigns (like adding additional attempts), recreate your campaigns using One Time and Automated Campaigns. ➡️

  • One-Time

    Create a new One Time Campaign:

    1. Click on the Campaigns app icon.  2022-06-28_11-15-21.png
    2. Click "Create Campaign." 2022-06-28_11-16-03.png
    3. Choose "Select" under "One Time Campaign."
    4. Name Your Campaign.
    5. For single-location accounts, the location will be pre-selected. For multi-location accounts, click "Choose Locations" and select from the list available.

    6. Click "Add Communications" to choose your communication method (Email or SMS Text Message).
    7. Click "Add Audience Filters" to filter for intended recipients. View the filters tab in this article for more information about available filters.

    8. Click "Add Content" to draft your message. Choose from the library of RevenueWell Templates. If you prefer a blank slate, we recommend Custom Campaign > Template 1 - no coupon. 
    9. Review the General Send Options. If you'd like to make adjustments, click "Edit Preferences."
    - Do not send to inactive patients
    - Exclude patients who have never had an appointment
    - Only send one (1) email per email address
    - Only send one (1) text message per cell phone number
    10. Congratulations, you've created a one time campaign! 🎉 Select from the options available to complete the process and exit the one time campaign builder.  
    - Click "Schedule" to select the date and time when your one-time campaign will be sent.
    - Click "Send Now" to send your one-time campaign immediately.

    If scheduling a campaign, the recipient list is generated at the time the campaign is scheduled and does not recalculate on the actual send date. Additionally, recipient sent details will not appear until the following day.

    Check out our demo video below!

  • Automated

    Create a new Automated Campaign:

    1. Click on the Campaigns icon.
    2. Click Create Campaign.
    3. Choose Automated Campaign by clicking Select.
    4. Name Your Campaign.
    5. For single-location accounts, the location will be pre-selected. For multi-location accounts, click Choose Locations and select from the available list.
    6. Determine when a campaign is sent by choosing "Before or After an Event" or "Set Schedule."
    7. If you choose Before or After an Event, you will then need to define that event by selecting a Trigger. Triggers include:
      1. Next Visit: For campaigns intended to be sent anytime before a patient's next visit.
      2. Last Visit: For campaigns intended to send anything after a patient visit. 
      3. No-Show: For Campaigns intended to be sent when a patient cancels within 24 hours of their scheduled appointment. 
      4. Recall Date: For campaigns intended to be sent before or after a patient's recall date. 
      5. New Patient: For campaigns targeted towards new patients.
    8. If you choose to Set Schedule, you will confirm the location and determine the recurring schedule. Options include: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
    9. Next, follow the steps to select your audience, add content and refine details.
    10. Click Add Audience Filters to filter for intended recipients. Refer to the filters tab in this article for more information about available filters.
    11. Select Trigger Schedule to define how many days before or after the trigger the communication will be sent.
    12. Click Add Communications to choose your preferred communication channel (Email or SMS Text Message) for reaching out to your patients.
    13. Click Add Content to draft your message. You can choose from the library of RevenueWell templates. If you prefer a blank slate, we recommend Custom Campaign > Template 1 - No Coupon.
    14. Click Schedule & Activate and select a date to start your automated campaign.
    15. Congratulations, you’ve created an automated campaign! 🎉
  • Filters

    Basic Filters

    • Find patients who have past or future appointments with specified appointment types, i.e. New Patient, Post Op, Recall. Appointment types are synced from the practice management system. Appointments can be in any status.

    • Makes it easy to narrow down to a specific age group.  

    • Enables you to find patients based on their gender.

    • Search for patients who have past or future appointments within a specified period.  

    • Search patients who have had at least one walked-out appointment in the last # months. 

    • Find patients who have not scheduled their next appointment and who haven't visited in the past # months.

    Advanced Filters

    • Find patients who are tagged as “responsible party” in your practice management system. These patients may or may not have dependents.

    • 'Unscheduled patients who are past due for a recall by (X) to (Y) months." Search for patients who do not have upcoming scheduled appointments and whose recall date is past due and falls into the time interval specified. Usually, this filter is used to find patients who haven’t been in the dental practice for a while and need to come for a hygiene appointment.

    • "Unscheduled patients due for a recall in the next (X) months." Search for patients who do not have upcoming scheduled appointments and whose recall is approaching.

    • Search for patients who don’t have insurance.

    • "Patients who have insurance benefits expiring in the next (X) months and have remaining insurance benefits balance of $ amount." Search for patients with selected insurance(s) on file who still have remaining balances that may be used to complete pending treatment, preventative care, or hygiene.

    • Insurance Carrier Search for patients with selected insurance providers.

    • Search by selected zipcodes to find patients from a specific area.

    • Search by patients who have outstanding balances
      ◦ Total Balance - balance of any age.
      ◦ 0-29 days - The portion of the balance that is 0-29 days outstanding.
      30 days - The portion of the balance that is 30-59 days outstanding.
      60 days - The portion of the balance that is 60-89 days outstanding
      90 days - The portion of the balance that is 90 days or more outstanding.
      ◦ Select the checkbox at the bottom of the page to search for patients based on their total family balance.
      ◦ Note: If using Eaglesoft or Denticon PMS type, the balance refers to the individual patient file. For all other PMS types, the balance refers to the family file.

    • Search patients who have pre-medication indicators, meaning these patients need to take medication before their appointment.
      Selecting No pre-med will include only patients who don’t need to premedicate for their appointment.
      This filter is not currently available for Dentrix, Dentrix Enterprise, Dentrix Ascend, Denticon, or Fuse PMS

    • Search for patients with proposed treatment plans including the codes you've selected.
      The list of codes available comes from the ADA library along with any Custom Codes specifically created in your practice management system.

    • Search for patients with a walked out appointment attached to the service code selected.
      The list of codes available comes from the ADA library along with any Custom Codes specifically created in your practice management system.

    • Search for patients who have not completed an appointment for selected procedures.
      ◦ The list of codes available comes from the ADA library along with any Custom Codes specifically created in your practice management system.
      ◦ Additionally, this filter can be combined with the "Performed Services" filter to search for patients who have completed only a portion of the procedures recommended by the doctor.

  • Auto Save

    Campaigns will automatically save your progress while you are working.  As you make edits, these changes will be saved automatically. The Campaign will be saved in Draft status.

    To access drafted Campaigns:

    1. Click on the Campaigns icon: 2022-06-28_11-15-21.png
    2. Select either "One Time Campaigns" or "Automated Campaigns"
    3. In the "View by Status" list, select "Draft"
  • Merge Fields

    Merge fields allow you to create bulk communications from one or several locations with a personalized message for each patient rather than manually creating individual emails or text messages. Some Merge Fields are can only be used with certain related templates. 

    The following Merge Fields can be found within Campaigns 2.0:

    • The first name of the patient.

    • The last name of the patient.

    • The name of your practice.

    • The phone number of your practice.

    • This is the date of the patient's last appointment at your practice. 

    • This is the date of the patient's next appointment (scheduled visit) at your practice.

    • This is the time of the patient's next appointment (visit) at your practice.

    • Link to patient forms, predefined by the practice. This merge field is only available with the RW Forms product.

    • Link to WePay payment page. This merge field is only available with the WePay feature. Learn more about WePay.

    • The total balance of the Account. (Current + 30 days + 60 days + 90 days). The amount includes both the outstanding balances of the RP and their dependents (if any).

    • Coming soon.
      The dollar amount the patient has been approved for through CareCredit.

    • The dollar amount of the patient's remaining insurance benefits.

    Custom Merge Fields

    Offices can set up Custom Merge Fields to easily insert location-specific or third-party links into their communications. These links may guide patients to unique websites, payment portals, scheduling pages, and more.

    For multi-location customers, Custom Merge Fields allow each location to create individualized URLs, streamlining communication and saving time. These fields are account-specific, providing DSOs with enhanced customization options for each office.

    How to Create a Custom Merge Field:

    1. Open Settings
    2. Select Custom Merge Fields
    3. Click Create New Merge Field
    4. Enter a Name for your Merge Field
    5. Add Hyperlink Display Text (optional)
    6. Input the URL (for each location, if applicable)
    7. Click Save & Exit
    8. Return to Campaigns, create your campaign, and insert the new merge field!

    Watch our demo video below to see the full process!

  • Legacy Campaigns

    Clicking on any "Legacy Campaigns" in Campaigns 2.0 will redirect you to the Campaigns tab, where you can find your legacy campaign settings.

    Legacy Automatic Communications

    Automatic Communications are customizable in a variety of ways. Change wording, add your own pictures or videos, and change settings to tailor them specifically for your office. 

    In any given automatic communication or custom campaign, you'll see your options to customize after you click into the campaign.

    To learn more about a specific campaign, select the campaign in list below ⬇️

    1. Automated Collections 

      Our newest campaign, Automated Collections allows you to send custom recurring messages to patients with outstanding balances! 
      By default, this campaign will:
        • Target Responsible Parties with a net family balance that’s 30+ days old
        • Send email & texts on the 2nd Monday of every month
        • Include Payments link for offices that have enabled WePay OR the office phone # for those who do not.


    2. Welcome Packet

      The Welcome Packets campaign sends an email message to patients who have just been created in the PMS. Once a new patient has been created within the PMS and then syncs with RevenueWell, the system triggers the Welcome Packet to send to the new patient’s email address. This allows your office to welcome the patient and send any of your chosen new patient forms or documents.

      In order for the Welcome Packet campaign to send, the new patient must be created with an email address!

      You can add attachments or a forms link if you have RevenueWell Forms or a PDF. 

      Check out our latest tutorial on how to get your new patients their forms with their Welcome Packet:

    3. Birthday and Holiday Cards

      Birthday: Postcard goes out 4 days before the person’s birthday (so it gets there right on time or the day before); emails go out on the day of the person’s birthday
      • Happy Holidays: Postcards start going out on December 6th. Emails start going out on December 10th. Any edits to the campaign should be made by November 28th for postcards and December 2nd for emails.
      • Independence Day: Both emails and postcards start going out 5 days before Independence day.
      • Thanksgiving: Emails will be sent on Thanksgiving day but content should be finalized 8 days before. Postcards start sending 4 days before Thanksgiving and content should be finalized 12 days before the holiday.
      The birthday and holiday card campaigns can be found in Campaigns > Automatic Communications

    4. Post-Op Instructions
      Within the automatic communication options is a drop-down list of post-op instructions, including templates for the following procedures:
      • Amalgam Fillings
      • Bridges
      • Crowns
      • Custom Post-Ops
      • Extraction & Bone Graft
      • Extractions
      • Implant Placements
      • Root Canal
      • Root Planing & Scaling
      • Sinus Lift
      • Tooth Colored Fillings

        By clicking on a template you can:
        1. Edit Message - Including the subject, body, and any merge fields
        2. Edit Settings - Including the schedule, the delivery method, and the service codes linked to the operation
        3. Edit Attempts - For certain templates, you can also turn on and off multiple attempts and edit those as indicated above. 
        4. Activate or Pause the communication

        See the demo video below ⬇️✨
    5. Custom Post-Op Instructions

      The Custom Post-Op Instructions campaign allows you to create post-op instruction emails for procedures that aren't already included in the list of post-op instructions. 

      1. To create a custom post-op email, first click "Post-Op Instructions" in the Campaigns tab. Then, click "Custom Post-Ops" at the bottom of the list. 


      2. Click "Add a New Custom Post-Op."
      3. Name your Post-Op.
      Note: This name is just for your use; patients will not see it.
      4. Next, use the dropdown menu by "Schedule" to select when you would like the post-op to be sent out. If you select "Custom Schedule," you can choose the number of days you want RevenueWell to wait before sending out the post-op email.
      5. Next, you'll want to select the service codes that will trigger the post-op email to be sent. Click into the empty box next to "Services" and begin typing the code. Then, click on the code once it appears. You can select as many codes as are appropriate for the procedure. Once you are done, click "Next."

      6. Now you will be able to type in the content for your post-op message in the text box shown below, replacing the text "POST-OP TEXT HERE."
      Note: You can also insert images and videos.

      7. You may also edit the email subject line that the patient will see. If you need to return to the previous step to edit the name of your campaign, the timeline, or the service codes, scroll down and click "Back."
      8. Once your campaign in complete, click "Finish."

    6. Email Address Request

      The email address request campaign helps collect email addresses from patients via text message. Once turned on, the campaign will send a single automatic text message to any patient who:

      • Has a cell phone number on file and is signed up to receive text notifications
      • Doesn’t have an email address on file, or

      • Has a a bad email address on file – meaning RevenueWell’s last send to that email address bounced.

      The default text message will read:
      “From {SMSFromName}: Hi {PatientFirstName}! We’re updating our records to better serve you – please text us your preferred email address. Thank you!”

      NOTE: An email address request message will only be sent once to any one cell phone number. If multiple patients share the same cell phone number, the text message will only be sent for one of them.

    7. Expiring Insurance Benefit Reminder

      The expiring insurance benefits reminder automatic communications type sends insurance patients reminders to “use or lose” their benefits prior to the end of the insurance year. This communication type recognizes fiscal year vs. calendar year insurance plans on the patients’ profile and sends out communications accordingly.

      You will need to activate the expiring insurance benefits reminder at least a week in advance of the 1st of the month. For example, let's say a patient's benefits expire in January. If you set your first attempt to 4 months prior, this reminder will go out in September. You will need to activate the campaign at least 7 days in advance of September 1st, which would be August 25th. 

      To activate the campaign, click "Expiring insurance benefits reminder" in the Campaigns tab.

      The communication type has two identical attempts that only differ by WHEN they are sent out.

      Select "Edit Message" to change the wording, add your own pictures or videos, and change any applicable settings to tailor them specifically to your office.

      Select "Edit Settings" to adjust the timing, insurance balance remaining, and delivery method. The insurance balance setting lets users specify the minimum amount of insurance benefits that the patient must have to receive this communication. Make sure to only send this campaign to patients who have at least $100 of insurance remaining to avoid 

      NOTE: The benefits reminder e-mail/letter does not mention the amount of benefits remaining for the patients, so they will not see any dollar figures. Set a minimum level of remaining benefits to make sure you are are not sending reminders to patients with $10 left.

      After you select your timeline in the "Edit Settings" section next to each attempt, click the orange box that says "Paused." 

      This will turn the campaign to "Active." Then click "Save & Exit."

    8. Patient Reactivation

      The Patient Reactivation campaign is designed to help practices that want to reduce patient attrition by reaching out to patients who haven’t been in for an appointment in over 9 months. This campaign sends reminders or incentives to patients to encourage them to make their appointments.

      The campaign offers multiple attempts that can be scheduled at the practice's custom preferences. The campaign can go out as an email, text message and/or postcard.

      The image below will guide you through setting up, customizing and activating the campaign.
      1. Set campaign to Active or Paused
      2. Don't forget to Save!
      3. Activate the first attempt.
      4. Preview the Email, Text or Postcard content.
      5. Edit the message content.
      6. Choose from an existing template.
      7. Change the settings for the schedule and delivery method of the campaign.
      8. Activate and edit attempt 2 and 3 as needed

    9. Recalls

      The purpose of the Recalls (texts, emails, and/or direct mail) is to notify patients who are coming close to or are past their recall date to schedule their hygiene appointment.
      The Recalls automatic communication type reads the recall date from the patient’s profile in the PMS and attempts to bring the patient back by sending up to 5 different communication attempts before and after the recall dates. This feature, once enabled, will only address those patients that do not have an appointment scheduled already. 
      For each Recall attempt, the user may choose how RW should send the communication out. Please note that RW will send ALL communications that it can send based on the contact info on file and the patient’s communication preferences:2023-02-23_08-42-51.png2023-02-23_08-43-29.png

      Select "Change Template" to access our template library! This allows you to specify a different design for each attempt:

      Recommended Settings:

      • Attempt 2, 3, 4, 5 should all be set to Yes (same as Attempt 1)  
      • Email & Text for attempts 1, 3, and 5


    10. Review and Survey Request

      The Review & Survey Request automatic communication gathers feedback from the patient after they visit the practice. A request for a review/survey can only be sent to a patient once every 3 months.

      • Reviews ask the patient to write an online review for the practice
      • Surveys asks the patient to fill out a survey

      The practice may choose the percentage of reviews and surveys that it asks for by adjusting the slider to change the proportion.

      Other customizable settings include the schedule, delivery method, and content of the message.

      Clicking the first link under "Survey Questions & Preview" allows the user to view standard survey questions and specify their own. The modal window that comes up shows that specific area of the Patient Feedback Settings area page.

      The second link displays a patient preview of the actual survey.

      To learn more about reviews specifically, see our Reviews article. 

    11. Treatment Plan Follow Up

      Treatment plan follow ups are a great tool for reminding patients to schedule services that they need. RevenueWell gathers this information from your Practice Management Software and encourages patient to schedule proposed treatments.


      Why did a patient with an appointment scheduled receive a treatment plan follow-up message? This can sometimes happen if the new appointment is not connected to the treatment plan within your practice management system. Depending on your system, you may be prompted to connect an appointment with a proposed service in a treatment plan. Make sure that this is done, so that RevenueWell recognizes that the new appointment will fulfill part of the treatment plan.  
      How can I remove patient financial information in the treatment plan follow-up email?

      Treatment plan follow-up emails automatically include a table providing additional information to patients about their proposed treatment. This table defaults to show videos, articles, total cost of the treatment, insurance estimates, and the patient's cost. Some practices aren't comfortable with sharing that financial information. That's not a problem, as you have the ability to totally customize what's displayed.

      To modify the table, look under the preview image of the attempt you're changing and click "Edit Message."

      Hover your mouse over the table. A toolbar will appear with an option to "Edit Treatment Plan Table."

      You can then decide what exactly you want appearing in the table. Uncheck what you want to remove and then click "Done."

      A table with no financial information would look like this: 


      If we activate treatment plan follow-ups, are you going to go back and send messages to patients who had treatment plans proposed a long time ago?

      The treatment plan follow-up campaign communicates with unscheduled patients with outstanding plans. We only go as far back in time as you tell us to.  Meaning, you choose the number of days we look backwards to send follow-up messages. 

      Click on "Edit Settings" next to each attempt you are activating to decide the timeline.


    Appointment Reminders

    The Appointment Reminders section will take you to your Settings, where you can access and edit your Appointment Reminder settings and templates.

    Legacy Custom Campaigns

    Custom Campaigns allow you to send custom text messages, email, or direct mail communications to a select audience of patients. 

    1. Create a Custom Campaign

      1. Select the Campaigns tab

      2. Select "Create Campaign"  

      3. Select a template from the library

      4. To move forward, click "Next Step"
      5. Choose if you would like to send email with this campaign

      6. If you are sending email, format your text here 



      While editing your email template, you can hover over a section to see an "edit" tool. This tool has options to edit, insert sections, or delete a section altogether.

      After the email template is drafted, click Next Step to continue.



      7. Direct mail is physical mail sent to a patient's address. This option is always off by default. if you would like to send your patients physical mail, you can edit the template on this step to do so. Click Next Step to continue.

      8. If you choose to send a text message via Custom Campaign, edit the template on this step. When complete, click Next Step to continue.

      Note that your text message template must include two merge fields:

      1. Your practice phone number

      2. SMS opt out message

      9. On the Filters step, you select your patient audience. The more filters you select, the more you are filtering down your audience. Click Next Step to continue.

      10. On the Recipients step, you have the option to review the audience generated by the filters selected. Uncheck the "EMAIL or "TEXT" box to prevent a patient from receiving your custom campaign. Use the "Add More Recipients" feature to the right if needed. Click Next Step to continue.
      11. Name your campaign & set your email subject line. Click Next Step to continue.

      • Name Your Campaign: This is the name your internal team will see.
      • Message Subject: This is the subject line that will display in your patient's inbox. Choose something that will get their attention.

      12. On the confirmation step, you are able to preview the email and text messages or to send yourself a test.


      If everything looks good, you can either: 

      • Send Now
      • Schedule Delivery - Choose a future date for the Campaign to be sent.
        • If you choose "Schedule Delivery" do NOT click "Save Draft" after scheduling. Doing so cancels the scheduled communication and puts it back in "Draft" status.
      • Save Draft - Save to your "My Drafts" folder to review, edit, and send at a later time.




      What’s the difference between a custom campaign and an automatic communication?

      Custom campaigns are one-time communications that you manually set up.

      An automatic communication is something that you set up, activate, and then allow RevenueWell to send based on the set credentials. 

      Is there an extra cost for custom campaigns? No. If you use Direct Mail, applicable costs occur.
      How long are my custom campaign drafts saved for?

      RevenueWell will never remove your saved drafts. They will always be available for you in the "My Drafts" section of the Campaigns tab.

      If you wish to manually remove one of the drafts, hover over the campaign and click "Delete."

      Can I cancel a custom campaign?

      The only custom campaigns that you can cancel and delete are campaigns in the "Scheduled" status - in other words, campaigns that haven't yet been submitted for processing.

      Once the campaign has been submitted, it can no longer be cancelled.

      How do I add an incentive or coupon to my email campaign?

      Hovering over a content area (like the text area in the above example) displays the section control buttons:

      - Up/Down: moves the section up or down the message (if there are additional sections present)

      - Insert Section Below, Insert Section Above: Opens a modal window letting the user select the section type to be inserted

      - Delete Section: Removes section from the message

      To add a coupon to your message, select "Insert Section Below" or "Insert Section Above".

      You will see a pop-up screen with different types of sections you can add. Select "Coupon". Double click the coupon or select the "Edit Coupon" button as you hover over the section to edit your coupon. Complete required fields depending on the incentive you wish to run. Once complete, select "Save Coupon".

      If I "Save Draft," or Replicate a Custom Campaign, will my filters be saved?

      Any filters that you have selected will be saved when you click "Save Draft."

      Replicating a campaign will also produce the same filters from the original campaign.

      Filters will always yield a list of recipients that fit current conditions. When you return to edit the campaign at a later date, the list of recipients will reflect whoever currently matches that filter.

      If I apply filters after I added patients manually, what happens to my manual patients?

      If you manually add a recipient in the "Recipients" step of a custom campaign, that recipient stays in the list regardless of the filters you apply. 

      After choosing my filters in a custom campaign, I have no recipients in my list. Why?

      This is likely because either:

      - None of your patients fit the criteria

      - Some criteria conflict with each other.
      For instance, if you've selected two or more filters that include a timeline, make sure the time ranges don't cancel each other out. 

      - Another reason you may show 0 recipients is if you've selected codes with the wrong prefix (i.e. chosen the codes that begin with a "0" and not a "D"). When in doubt, always select both prefixes. For instance, when choosing the codes for a temporary crown, select both 02970 and D2970. 

      How does RevenueWell know that a visit is tied to a specific campaign?

      A patient's visit will be tied to a campaign if any of the following is true:

      - The patient clicked on "schedule an appointment" out of an email campaign and submits the appointment request online

      - The patient hasn't had an appointment in the last 3 months, but the patient scheduled an appointment after getting the communication (for direct mail that means 3 days after it was sent)

      - The patient comes in for a visit within 30 days of when he or she opened/read an email campaign

      Clicking on the number of visits in blue font will bring you to a list of those visits.

      How does RevenueWell determine the revenue for a specific campaign?

      After RevenueWell determines the visits generated by a campaign, it will add up the associated revenue with those visits. 

      For more details, click on the number of visits generated (in blue font) to show you which visits are tied to the campaign. This table shows you when the visits occurred and what revenue was brought in from each.

      My campaign shows as unable to be sent or scheduled, why is this?

      This means you are currently outside the time range allowed to send text messages.

      You can either wait until you are able to send the campaign, based on your selected time range. Or, you can change your text message settings.

      To view the current time range settings, navigate to "Settings" > "Phone and Text Message Settings" > scroll to "Text Messages Schedule" > View or edit your time range. 



  • Watch our demo videos below for complete tutorials on these processes!