Create & Configure a Queue
Table of Contents:
- Navigate to Queues
- Create a new queue
- Configure settings
- Define call routing strategy
- Define hold treatment
- Define agent behavior
- Assign Members
- Review + Confirm
Let's Begin!
Navigate to the Call Center Pro app in your PBX and access Queues
Create a new queue and assign it a unique number or extension
Step 1: Click "+ New Queue"
Step 2: Name your Queue, select a phone number or extension, & click "Next" -
Choose the Queues General Settings and click "Next"
General Settings Definitions:
Call Limit Sets the numbers of calls that can be in a queue before the calls time out to the callflow steps.
If the call limit is one, any new call that tries to enter the queue will be terminated (dropped). If the call limit is 0, the number of calls that can enter the queue is infinite (or limit to incoming trunk limitation). Any incoming call that is dropped will be counted toward Missed Calls for that queue, since it has entered the queue and subsequently terminated.Queue Timeout The number of seconds the call will sit in a queue before timing out.
• If Escalation Handling is configured, the call will timeout to the specified escalation handling destination.
• If No Escalation is configured, the call will terminate or drop.
• Maximum queue timeout is 7200 seconds.Timeout Immediately if Empty If turned on the and the queue is empty (meaning no agents are logged in) the call will immediately be routed to the callflow process. This could be your escalation queue or voicemail.
NOTE: The queue is not considered Empty if an agent in a queue is Globally in an Away state or on a call.Display Agents to Other Agents This is useful so agents can note the status of the rest of the team, for example if others are away.
- If enabled, Agents can see other Agents who are members of the queue on the Queue Details page, Members tab.
- By default, this is not enabled; agents will see only themselves on the Members tab.
- Admins assigned through Smart PBX can see all members’ status of any agent in any queue in CCPro
Zero out to Callflow This provides a dropdown showing other queues you can redirect a call to by pressing #0. An example might be if someone calls who has already been escalated to a different department or person and is calling back with more information.
The default routing for 0'd out calls is set as follows:
- Device
- User
- VM Box
- Directory
- Group (per Smart PBX Configuration)
Record all Calls in this Queue If "Record all Calls" is turned on for a queue, all calls will be recorded by default. Alternatively you can set record all calls for individual agents under the Call Center Members tab. Recorded calls can be viewed and downloaded from the Call Recording app. at the end of the call.
Note:- Transferred calls will be recorded up until the point the agent who answered the call from the queue is no longer on the call.
- Hold Music is not recorded if the Agent puts the caller on hold
- Currently the maximum length of call that can be recorded is 1hr.
- For the Call Recording feature to be enabled you MUST enable these apps in your system:
- Google Drive connector
- Call Recording
Escalation Callflow after Timeout If enabled with a destination, a Queue call is timed out to the Escalation Queue, and if the call is not answered within the Escalation Queue Timeout, the call will be redirected to the following Call flow Destination
• Company Directory
• Devices
• Users
• Voicemail Boxes
• Group -
Choose your Routing Strategy - this is logic to define how calls will be routed to agents in a queue. Click "Next"
Define Hold Treatment - add actions to design a media loop that will play for callers who are waiting to connect. Add as many actions as you would like to have played for a caller holding in your queue. After the final selection is played, the system will loop back to the beginning. Click "Next"
Select Agent Behavior and click "Next"
Agent Connect Timeout This sets the amount of seconds the call will ring at an agent's extension before it is sent to another agent of the next event in your callflow. How the seconds translate to number of rings will vary depending on your country and ring style, but in general a 20 second setting will allow the phone to ring 4-5 times. Force Away on Rejected/Missed If enabled, and if agent rejects or does not answer the offered queue call, agent will be put in a Global Away state.
NOTE: It is up to the agent to re-activate his/her status.Allow Agent Recovery Time This sets the amount of seconds an agent's status will be set to "recovery time." This time is often used so agents can write follow up notes about the call. While in recovery time the agent's phone will be considered "busy" to the caller and the call will route to the next agent or event. The recovery time will be displayed and counted down in the Call Details Drawer. Allow Recovery Time Extension If this setting is on, the agent will see an option to extend recovery time in the Caller Display Drawer. By selecting this, recovery time will extend the length of the initial setting. Allow Multiple Extensions If this checkbox is enabled and agent has the ability to extent the recovery time as often as necessary. Each extension will be the number of seconds set in the Allow Recovery Time Extension field. -
Assign Members to the Queue and click "Next"
Review & Confirm - review your queue and configurations before finalizing the creation of your new queue. Click "Create Queue" to complete this process.
Once your queue is created you can view a list of the queues created in your account by clicking the "Queues" icon.Pause / Resume all Queues
This allows the agent to manage only the queues the Agent is a member of.
If an agent selects "Pause All Queues" calls will not be offered to the agent
To set back to Active, select "Resume All Queues"Sort Queues by:
All queues (Default) Oldest queue (Creation time) will always be on top and the Newest Queue will be at the bottom. Active Pushes all active queues top, then paused queues.
Paused Pushes all paused queues top, then active queues.
Call Routing
Call routing works alongside your Incoming Call Handling (within the Smart PBX App) or Advanced Call Flows (within the Callflows App) to determine where calls are routed once they have reached the Call Queue.
Call Routing options for the Call Queue are described below:
Routing Strategy Terms:Most Idle This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the highest percentage of idle time since the last call handled.
• Calls will continue to be offered to agent with the most idle until the agent answers the call.
• After a call is handled, the most idle counter resets.
• For example, if agent 1, 2 ,3 are members of a queue and are on a call, if agent 2 hangs up first then 3 then 1. Agent 2 is the most idle agent.
• If a call is rejected by the most idle agent, it will continue to try that agent until the agent either answers the call or becomes unavailable.Calls Handled This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the least amount of calls handled for their current session.
• Least handled called agent during their session will be offered a new call.
• If multiple agents are tied for least handled call offer, queue selects an agent at random.
• If agent logs out of session, and log back in, their handled call count will reset and the agent will become the least calls handled.
• Changing state from away/available does not impact the count.Offers Made This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the least amount of call offers made during their current session. Round Robin This will equally distribute the calls among all agents assigned to the queue.
• Agent 1, 2, 3, 4 are logged in and Ready
• Queue might select Agent 2, 3, 4, 1 for call offers order.
• If Agent 1 doesn't answer the call, it would go to call 2, if agent 2 answers the call, any new call will get offered to call 3.Skills Based (Strict) Skill based (Strict)
This will send a call only to an agent that matches the skill defined. If there are no available agents with the (Spanish speaking for example) skill, then the call will be escalated
• If no agents are tagged with a skill associated with a call entering this queue, the call will be routed to the specified escalation queues.
• If a call entering queue matches an agent who is a member with that skill, the call will only be offered to that agent.
• If a call enters queue that does not match any skill the currently assigned members have, the call will be routed Escalation Handling. If Escalation Handling is not configured, the call hangs up.
• Skills conflicts or incomplete skills matching a Strict Skill strategy will result in routing calls to Escalation Handling.
• NOTE: For skills-based routing to work, you must define an Escalation Queue process. If neither the Escalation Queue nor the Escalation Call flow after timeout are configured the incoming call will hang up when it enters the queue. When configured, if a call is not met by a skill, the call will be routed to the specified Escalation destination.Skills based (Loose) This will try send a call to an agent that matches the skill defined. If there are no available agents with the (Spanish speaking for example) skill, then the call will go to the next available agent.
• If call enters queue where none of the members have any skills that match it, the call will be routed to the next available agent in a round-robin fashion.
• Skills conflict in Loose Skill strategy will result in routing to the next available agent with that skill in a round-robin fashion.
o For example, Agent1 has Skill X. Skill X contains a configuration for area codes that start with (+1585). Agent Y has a Skill that matches (+1 585 361 1962). If I were to call into a loose Queue from 585 361 1962, since both agents match, the call will find the first available agent that matches. If the routing is rejected or device timeout is reached, the call is offered to the next available agent that matches the skill.
• If there is not agent available with that skill, the caller will be placed on hold until an agent becomes available.
• If there is no agent logged into the queue at all with that skill, the call will go to round robin. -
User Management
Managers and Admins can manage user attributes from the "Call Center Members" section on the left navigation.
Here, you can view all members, see their assigned queues, view their session duration, call recording settings, and skills.
Assign a New User to an Existing Queue:
To assign a new user/member to an existing Queue
1. Select the desired Queue
2. Click the Queue Settings dropdown menu :
3. Choose "Edit Queue Settings"
4. Click "6. Member Assignment"
5. Within the "Call Center Members" column, click on the new user's name.6. Click the green “Assign to Queue” button, and you’ll see the name move to the right column, then select "Next"
7. Review and Confirm all queue settings and members, and then select "Update Queue," to save.The new member has been added to your queue!
Manage Members
By clicking on "Manage Members" a manager or admin can assign any user in the system as a Call Center Member. Only Call Center Members can be assigned queues.
Member Roles & PermissionsAgent
- Standard user.
- Able to see and answer calls from their assigned queue.
A manager has added permissions to -
- Eavesdrop - Allows the manager/admin to listen in on the call only.
- Whisper - Allows the manager/admin to listen and whisper notes or suggestions to the agent. The caller will not hear this.
- Barge - Allows the manager/admin to join the call. The caller will be included.
- Managers have access to “Answer Call” and Bump Next in Queue” buttons for any queues that they are a member of.
Admin Has the same permissions as managers, plus:
- Able to see all queues available under that account.
- Able to “Answer Call” and “Bump Next in Queue” at all times without being members of any queue
Once queues have been created, a user is able to select a queue and view the Queue Dashboard. The top section of the screen will display a dashboard summarizing the status of all agents in your queue within the last hour. This can help a manager or administrator decide if it's necessary to adjust the number or mix of agent skills.
Once a user is added and logs in, they will click "Begin Session" to see their assigned queue's Dashboard. If they are assigned multiple queues or are a manager, they will see a list of the queues and can then select a queue to view.
An Agent can set mark themselves as ready, away, or end the session.Queue Status
We have added the ability for managers to change the queue status. This setting is the one next to the queue name. This is helpful if you have regional queues, and want to Pause them during specific hours.
Incoming Call Handling Behavior
Call Ringing Incoming calls will display from the queues dashboard as shown below.
To view the details of an incoming call, click on the phone icon in the upper right corner to display the Call Details Drawer.Once a call is answered When a call is answered, the status for the agent will automatically change to "On Call." The agent can view the call details in the same drawer to the right. Call in Queue When an incoming call is received, and no agents are available they will be added to the queue. Note: Queue Status will display “Missed” only for four seconds after the call is missed. It will return back to “Active” after the 4 seconds is reached. If Queue Agent Behavior is configured to have Recovery time. Queue status will display “recovery” for that amount of time after the Agent completes the call.
Dashboard TermsAgent Status This should match the status set at the top right of your screen. The status setting is a global setting and applies to all queues. This is also where you set/confirm the answering device you will use as default.
Status Details
Login: Logs the agent into the queue but no calls are routed to the agent.
Ready: The Agent is logged into the queue and calls are routed to the agent.
Away: The Agent is logged into the queue but no calls are routed to the agent. Agents are also automatically marked as Away during recovery time.
Logout: Logs the agent out of the queue and no calls are routed to the agent.
Modifying Agent Status via Feature Codes
Agent Login *20: To log in to your call queue, press *20 then press send on your registered VoIP phone
Set Agent Ready *21: To change your status to Ready to receive calls, press *21 then press send on your registered VoIP phone
Set Agent Away *22: To change your status to Away, press *22 then press send on your registered VoIP phone
Agent Logout *23: To Logout out of your call queue, press *23 then press send on your registered VoIP phone
Status Notes:
- Note if Agent is using Feature Code, Agent must log in to Browser set themselves in an active state before using feature code functionality. Feature codes are global
- If an agent is newly assigned to a Queue. The Agent will automatically be in a Paused State.
- At this time, regardless of what away message is put in the text field of away message, the status will always be AWAY.
Longest Waiting How long the longest caller was waiting. Longest Wait is only updated when the longest call waiting in queue is delivered to an agent. The longest wait for a queue is currently 10 seconds and a new call waits in a queue for 6 minutes and 49 seconds before being delivered to an agent(Answered by agent), then then the longest wait is 6.49.
Calls in Queue Total number of calls waiting in the Queue
Abandoned Calls A call is considered abandoned when the following occurs:
- The caller hung up the call while waiting in the queue.
- The caller pressed 0 for added options (voicemail, etc.). This only available if the "Zero Out" configuration is configured in the queue settings.
Agents Ready How many agents are available to answer calls. An agent is considered ready when they are active in a queue and Ready as a global status. If Agent is Paused and Ready it will not count towards Ready
Agents Busy An agent is considered Busy if the Agent answered a call from that specific Queue. The Busy counter will increment by 1.
Agents Away How many agents have marked Away as their status. An agent is considered away if Agent is Logged in but paused in that queue or if the Agent is Active in the queue and Away Globally
Missed Calls A call is considered a missed call when the call times out for any reason.
This includes if a call enters the queue and that call reaches the Call Limit as set in the queue configuration.
Each time a call is offered to an agent and the agent does not answer, the call is considered missed and the count will increment.
If a call rings the agent again, the count will increase if the agent does not answer the call. Abandoned calls are not considered a missed call.
While a call is offered (ringing(Handled Calls Number of calls that were answered by agents in the queue.
Below the Dashboard (Tabs)
Calls in Queue - This first tab will list all calls waiting in queue. Information includes how long the calls have been waiting in queue, Caller ID and Caller Name, including Country of Origin.
- Tab will have a counter of total calls waiting in the queue
- For managers and admins, additional options are available, see below. These are visible if you hover over the call information.
Answer Call Managers or admins can pick up any call in the queue by clicking “Answer Call” Bump to Next in Queue - Managers or admins can also Bump a Call to Next in Queue, , making this call the next call to be offered to an agent.
- Note: The bump button will still be visible even if only one call is in the queue but it would not do anything.
Button Permissions - Only Admin users will have the ability to “Answer Call” and “Bump Next in Queue” at all times without being members of any queue
- Managers have access to “Answer Call” and Bump Next in Queue” buttons for any queues that they are a member of.
- The agent only users will not have access to any visibility to “Answer Call” or “Bump Next in Queue” buttons.
Managing Agents
Assign Skills to Members
1. Open Members
2. Click "Manage Skills"
3. Select the member(s) you wish to add a skill(s) to.
4. Click "Add Skills"
5. Enter the skills you wish to add
6. Click green "Add Skills" to assign to selected member(s).
Note: The skills assigned are global across all queues; whether they are implemented is dependent on the Routing Strategy setting in each queue.
Create / Edit SkillsTo Create a new skill, from the Members tab:
1. Click "Manage Skills"
2. Click "Skills Tag Editor"
3. On the prompt, click "+ New Skill Tag"
4. Name your skill
5. Set your skills rule according to the criteria below:
Skills can currently be assigned based on incoming Caller OR Callee ID Name or Number. Some common uses for this are included in the descriptions below:Incoming Callee ID name or number
Tag phone numbers for certain types of support to different support services.
Tag phone numbers for sales to sales department
Incoming Caller ID name or number
Use this If you have multiple dial in numbers / DID’s that point to the same queue, but want to assign a skill based on which number the caller actually dialed to hit the queue.
Tag calls from different countries to match language specialists
Tag calls from large accounts to specific account managers
Operator Setting Notes
Starts with -
use to route calls with certain area codes. Make sure to add +1 (country code) then the area code.
Matches -
This is an exact match
This is the only operator where you can enter a regex code. Enter the regex code in the value field. examples are below:
Match caller ID number starting with +1555 in regex form is ^\+1555
Match Caller ID number that ends with 1111 would be /?1111
You can set multiple rules for each Skill. This is helpful for use with "Spanish speaking", as you can assign multiple country codes.
If there are multiple rules and skill is set to Match “All” all of the rules must match.
If it set to “Any” any of the rules can match to route to the agent
Agent Recovery TimeAllow Agent Recovery Time
This sets the amount of seconds an agent's status will be set to "recovery time." This time is often used so agents can write follow up notes about the call. While in recovery time the agent's phone will be considered "busy" to the caller and the call will route to the next agent or event. The recovery time will be displayed and counted down in the Call Details Drawer.Allow Recovery Time Extension
If this setting is on, the agent will see an option to extend recovery time in the Caller Display Drawer. By selecting this, recovery time will extend the length of the initial setting.
Display Agents to Other Agents
This is useful so agents can note the status of the rest of the team, for example if others are away.- If enabled, Agents can see other Agents who are members of the queue on the Queue Details page, Members tab.
- By default, this is not enabled; agents will see only themselves on the Members tab.
- Admins assigned through Smart PBX can see all members’ status of any agent in any queue in CCPro
Call Recording
Record all Calls If "Record all Calls" is turned on for a queue, all calls will be recorded by default. Alternatively you can set record all calls for individual agents under the Call Center Members tab. Recorded calls can be viewed and downloaded from the Call Recording app. at the end of the call.
Note:- Transferred calls will be recorded up until the point the agent who answered the call from the queue is no longer on the call.
- Hold Music is not recorded if the Agent puts the caller on hold
- Currently the maximum length of call that can be recorded is 1hr.
- For the Call Recording feature to be enabled you MUST enable these apps in your system:
- Google Drive connector
- Call Recording
Terms to Know
Basic Behavior terms:
Call Limit Sets the numbers of calls that can be in a queue before the calls time out to the callflow steps.
If the call limit is one, any new call that tries to enter the queue will be terminated (dropped). If the call limit is 0, the number of calls that can enter the queue is infinite (or limit to incoming trunk limitation). Any incoming call that is dropped will be counted toward Missed Calls for that queue, since it has entered the queue and subsequently terminated.Queue Timeout The number of seconds the call will sit in a queue before timing out.
• If Escalation Handling is configured, the call will timeout to the specified escalation handling destination.
• If No Escalation is configured, the call will terminate or drop.
• Maximum queue timeout is 7200 seconds.Timeout Immediately if Empty If turned on the and the queue is empty (meaning no agents are logged in) the call will immediately be routed to the callflow process. This could be your escalation queue or voicemail.
NOTE: The queue is not considered Empty if an agent in a queue is Globally in an Away state or on a call.Display Agents to Other Agents Display Agents to other Agents
This is useful so agents can note the status of the rest of the team, for example if others are away. If enabled, Agents can see other Agents who are members of the queue on the Queue Details page, Members tab. By default, this is not enabled; agents will see only themselves on the Members tab.
• Admins assigned through Smart PBX can see all members’ status of any agent in any queue in CCProRecord all Calls If "Record all Calls" is turned on for a queue, all calls will be recorded by default.
Alternatively you can set record all calls for individual agents under the Call Center Members tab. Recorded calls can be viewed and downloaded from the Call Recording app. at the end of the call.
Notes:- Transferred calls will be recorded up until the point the agent who answered the call from the queue is no longer on the call.
- Hold Music is not recorded if the Agent puts the caller on hold
- Currently the maximum length of call that can be recorded is 1hr.
- For the Call Recording feature to be enabled you MUST enable these apps in your system:
- Google Drive connector
- Call Recording
Escalation Handling Terms:
Escalation Queue If any type of timeout is reached, calls in the current queue can be routed to the Escalation queue. Options list all available queues under the account for anyone who has queue modification permission. Escalation Callflow after Timeout If enabled with a destination, a Queue call is timed out to the Escalation Queue, and if the call is not answered within the Escalation Queue Timeout, the call will be redirected to the following Call flow Destination
• Company Directory
• Devices
• Users
• Voicemail Boxes
• GroupRouting Strategy Terms:
Most Idle This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the highest percentage of idle time since the last call handled.
• Calls will continue to be offered to agent with the most idle until the agent answers the call.
• After a call is handled, the most idle counter resets.
• For example, if agent 1, 2 ,3 are members of a queue and are on a call, if agent 2 hangs up first then 3 then 1. Agent 2 is the most idle agent.
• If a call is rejected by the most idle agent, it will continue to try that agent until the agent either answers the call or becomes unavailable.Calls Handled This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the least amount of calls handled for their current session.
• Least handled called agent during their session will be offered a new call.
• If multiple agents are tied for least handled call offer, queue selects an agent at random.
• If agent logs out of session, and log back in, their handled call count will reset and the agent will become the least calls handled.
• Changing state from away/available does not impact the count.Offers Made This prioritizes routing calls to agents with the least amount of call offers made during their current session. Round Robin This will equally distribute the calls among all agents assigned to the queue.
• Agent 1, 2, 3, 4 are logged in and Ready
• Queue might select Agent 2, 3, 4, 1 for call offers order.
• If Agent 1 doesn't answer the call, it would go to call 2, if agent 2 answers the call, any new call will get offered to call 3.Skills Based (Strict) Skill based (Strict)
This will send a call only to an agent that matches the skill defined. If there are no available agents with the (Spanish speaking for example) skill, then the call will be escalated
• If no agents are tagged with a skill associated with a call entering this queue, the call will be routed to the specified escalation queues.
• If a call entering queue matches an agent who is a member with that skill, the call will only be offered to that agent.
• If a call enters queue that does not match any skill the currently assigned members have, the call will be routed Escalation Handling. If Escalation Handling is not configured, the call hangs up.
• Skills conflicts or incomplete skills matching a Strict Skill strategy will result in routing calls to Escalation Handling.
• NOTE: For skills-based routing to work, you must define an Escalation Queue process. If neither the Escalation Queue nor the Escalation Call flow after timeout are configured the incoming call will hang up when it enters the queue. When configured, if a call is not met by a skill, the call will be routed to the specified Escalation destination.Skills based (Loose) This will try send a call to an agent that matches the skill defined. If there are no available agents with the (Spanish speaking for example) skill, then the call will go to the next available agent.
• If call enters queue where none of the members have any skills that match it, the call will be routed to the next available agent in a round-robin fashion.
• Skills conflict in Loose Skill strategy will result in routing to the next available agent with that skill in a round-robin fashion.
o For example, Agent1 has Skill X. Skill X contains a configuration for area codes that start with (+1585). Agent Y has a Skill that matches (+1 585 361 1962). If I were to call into a loose Queue from 585 361 1962, since both agents match, the call will find the first available agent that matches. If the routing is rejected or device timeout is reached, the call is offered to the next available agent that matches the skill.
• If there is not agent available with that skill, the caller will be placed on hold until an agent becomes available.
• If there is no agent logged into the queue at all with that skill, the call will go to round robin.Agent Behavior Terms:
Agent Connect Timeout This sets the amount of seconds the call will ring at an agent's extension before it is sent to another agent of the next event in your callflow. How the seconds translate to number of rings will vary depending on your country and ring style, but in general a 20 second setting will allow the phone to ring 4-5 times. Force Away on Rejected/Missed If enabled, and if agent rejects or does not answer the offered queue call, agent will be put in a Global Away state.
NOTE: It is up to the agent to re-activate his/her status.Allow Agent Recovery Time This sets the amount of seconds an agent's status will be set to "recovery time." This time is often used so agents can write follow up notes about the call. While in recovery time the agent's phone will be considered "busy" to the caller and the call will route to the next agent or event. The recovery time will be displayed and counted down in the Call Details Drawer. Allow Recovery Time Extension If this setting is on, the agent will see an option to extend recovery time in the Caller Display Drawer. By selecting this, recovery time will extend the length of the initial setting. Allow Multiple Extensions If this checkbox is enabled and agent has the ability to extent the recovery time as often as necessary. Each extension will be the number of seconds set in the Allow Recovery Time Extension field.
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