Team Chat

Use Team Chat to communicate with other RevenueWell users in your office throughout the work day. Each unique user can access Team Chat to message other RevenueWell users or post messages in the group chat.  

  • Send & Receive Chats

    With Team Chat, users can send direct messages to teammates who are also logged into RevenueWell. Note that each user must have their own unique login in order for Team Chat to work. To send a message:

    1. Click the Team Chat icon on the left hand menu in RevenueWell mceclip15.png
    2. Click mceclip7.png
    3. Select a teammate, type a message, &  click the Send icon mceclip9.png

    Online vs. Offline Users - Online Users will be identified by a green dot mceclip13.png

    Unread Message Notification - identified by a red indicator mceclip14.png

    Muting Messages - Click the gear icon mceclip11.png within a direct message or channel to mute. Muting will stop you from receiving notifications when a new message is posted.

  • General Channel

    • Any message sent in General channel can be seen by all users in the location

    • Enterprise customer will have a Global General Channel. Messages posted in the Global General Channel can be viewed by users across all locations in your enterprise group.