Hosted SMS

  • Submit a Hosted SMS Request

    If you'd like to use your office phone number for RevenueWell text messages, you may be eligible for Hosted SMS.

    To submit your request to Host SMS > Phone and Text Message Settings > Messenger > Enable Office Number Hosted1.png

    By selecting "Enable Office Number," the Set Up screen will populate in a new window:

    • The phone number field is pre-populated with your practice landline – this field cannot be edited
    • The email field will be pre-populated with the email of the user that is currently logged into Messenger – this field can be edited


    Upon selecting “Next,” a confirmation screen informs you that the request was successfully submitted. This process can take anywhere from 1 to 3 business days. Hosted3.png

    If your phone number is eligible to Host SMS, Twilio will send you an email with a link to a Letter of Authorization. You must complete that document in order to move the Hosted SMS process forward.

    Once the number has been enabled, which will take 1 to 3 business days, we will send you an email confirming the process was successful! Your text messages from RW will send & receive from your practice number moving forward.

  • FAQs

    How does it work?

    1. First, submit your Hosted SMS request:

    • Navigate to the Settings tab > Phone & SMS Settings > RW Messenger > Phone number used for text messaging > Click "Enable Office Number" > Verify the phone number displayed & enter an email address for follow up notifications
    • This will initiate your request to your current phone provider. The request asks for authorization to port the SMS (texting) portion of your phone number - note that this process can take time
    • The status of your request will update in RevenueWell to "SMS Port Request in Progress"

    2. If your request passes initial approval:

    • You will receive a Letter of Authorization via HelloSign to complete
    • Once completed, your request will move into a "Carrier Processing" status

    3. Once your LOA has been received & processed, you will be notified that outbound texts from RevenueWell will be sending from your practice landline moving forward

    A step by step guide of the Hosted SMS process is available here

    What are the eligibility requirements to Host SMS?

    Not all numbers are eligible to Host SMS. This can be for a few reasons:
    1. The "texting" portion of your number is already hosted. If you previously used another texting service to Host SMS, you may need to contact that service and request that they discontinue Hosting your number.  

    2. The number is VoIP. The majority of VoIP numbers do not support Hosted SMS.

    3. The number is not associated with a landline.
    For more information regarding your phone number's Hosted SMS eligibility, we suggest contacting your phone service provider to inquire about your current number and its capabilities.

    If my Hosted SMS request fails, can I still use Messenger to text with my patients?

    Yes. By default, you are assigned a 10-digit long code number for text messaging through RevenueWell. Click here to learn more about 10 digit long codes.

    Why do some of my text messages send from a 5-digit short code & other messages send from a 7-digit phone number?

    Some communications are required under the TCPA to come from short code numbers. To learn more, click here

    Will my calls be affected?

    No, Hosted SMS does not affect the voice capabilities of your number. Hosting SMS only registers the number for SMS to route in and out via RevenueWell.

    How will I know if this was successful? Does the status change?

    You will be notified via email that outbound texts from RevenueWell will be sending from your practice landline moving forward once your LOA has been received & processed. Within RevenueWell, you will see your number displayed as the "Phone Number Used for Text Messaging" in Settings.

    What if our phone provider or number changes?

    If you use Hosted SMS and change your phone provider or number, RevenueWell will be unable to send messages using your office number until a new connection is established. RevenueWell cannot identify when your phone provider or number changes. To reconnect, please disable your office phone number within Settings and then repeat the process of submitting a Hosted SMS request for your new provider or number. If you have trouble, please contact Customer Support.