Upload Media to the PBX (Voicemail Greetings, Hold Music, etc.)

Media files such as voicemail greetings, hold music, and virtual receptionist greetings can be managed from the Callflows App.

    1. Navigate to the Callflows App.

    2.  Within the “Callflows” App access the Media section

    3. Select the recording you want to manage. Under the file name, users can find the source of the audio file.
    4. Once selected, users are able to rename the file, change the file, or download it to their local device for playback or storage.
    5. Save changes.

    Video Tutorial:


  • Alternative Options
    1. Explore our Voicemail article for guidance on uploading a voicemail greeting over the phone.
    2. Discover the steps to upload a Virtual Receptionist greeting over the phone, please see the provided article.