Forms Overview, Features, and FAQs

  • Overview

    Time to Go Paperless!

    RevenueWell Forms is a great tool to speed up check-ins, streamline practice operations, and make overall life in the dental office easier — for patients and team members! RW Forms is a paperless office product that:

    Gives patients the ability to fill out information online ahead of their visit -  3 different ways!

    1. Online: Include an RW Forms link in your welcome packet and wow new patients before they even step foot in your practice. Visiting the dentist has never been so convenient!

    2. Online:  Add an RW Forms link to your website and give patients the freedom to complete their information at their convenience, prior to their visit. With all the necessary paperwork completed ahead of time, intake becomes that much easier

    3. On the iPad at the practice: No more paper, no more clipboards! Patients complete registration and other forms via iPad. Their information flows right into your PMS, saving your team the time and effort, and reducing transcription errors. Your practice goes green and saves a ton in office supplies! 


  • Built-In Forms

    RevenueWell Forms include 3 Built-In forms that offer the ability to edit to best gather the information that you office needs!

    The 3 included Forms are:

    1. Patient Info
    2. Insurance Info
    3. Health History

    To edit these forms, follow the steps below:

    Settings > Patient Forms


    (1) Clicking on the “Preview Form” link opens a window with a preview of what the form will look like on the iPad.

    (2) Clicking on the The “Display Options” link opens a window that allows the user to configure where this form is displayed.

    1. Display this form when patient clicks on email invitation: This setting controls whether the form will be displayed to patient when they click a link generated from the Merge Field.
    2. Only display this form to responsible parties on the account: When this setting is unchecked, the form won’t be displayed to dependents on the account. This is useful for financial policy consent forms etc.
    3. Display this form only to new patients: Checking this box will only display the form to patients when they’ve clicked the link in the Welcome Packet.
    4. Display this form on your public Online Forms page: This setting controls whether the form gets displayed on the patient’s Public Online Forms link.

    Clicking the “Edit Form” link brings up a modal window that’s different depending on what form the user it trying to edit.

    Editing The Patient Information Form:

    1. The “Visibility” switch for each field controls whether the question is displayed on the form

    2. The “Answer required” switch controls whether the answer to the question is required on the form

    Editing The Insurance Info Form

    The Insurance Info form is configured in a similar way to the patient information form:

    1. The “Visibility” switch for each field controls whether the question is displayed on the form

    2. The “Answer required” switch controls whether the answer to the question is required on the form

    Configuring The Health History Form

    The contents of the Health History form may sync directly, depending on the user’s PMS. The only thing that the user can control is page placement of different sections of the Health History form on the Online vs. the iPad Experience.

    To learn more about Custom Forms, click here

  • Form Properties

    Form properties affect who sees your forms and where those forms are made available to patients. To better understand which forms properties to choose, please refer to the chart below:

    Form Properties

    Display this form when a patient clicks on email invitation and in the Patient Portal
    • Check to include the form on the link that is included in the Welcome Packet
    Only display this form to responsible parties on the account
    • This option is only displayed when the "Display this form in the Patient Portal" checkbox is checked
    • When this option is checked, then the consent form is only displayed to responsible parties on the patient portal 
    Display this form only to new patients
    • Check and form will only be available to patients that open the embedded link in Welcome Packet
    • Note: the checkbox "Display this form on your online forms page" must also be selected
    Display this form on your Online Forms Page
    • Check to display form on the public online forms page 
    • Note: This checkbox is unchecked by default.
    Auto-populate existing patient information
    • Check and RW will populate applicable fields within the form from existing information
    • Patient info will pull directly from the PMS patient records
    • Insurance Info and Health History will pull from previous forms filled out via RevenueWell Forms 


  • FAQs

    How can I send forms to my patients?
    1. Copy a Form

      There are times when you only need a patient to complete one form and you only want them to open that one form. By selecting "Copy Link", in the Forms Settings, you can email, text or even put this specific link into a campaign!

      Forms > Settings: Choose the specific form that you want to send to the patient, by selecting "Copy Link".  The link for that form will be copied to the clipboard:

    2. Send Via Messenger

      Now head over to Messenger and you can text that link to the patient by going to:
      Edit > Paste, or by selecting CTRL+V (Paste) on your keyboard.
      It might be helpful to add some context around the link so that the patient knows what you are referring to:

    3. Include in Appointment Confirmation

      You will need to insert the link and not just copy and paste it. Depending on your OS, the copy/paste option may not pop up. There is a "link icon" offered that you can use:

      For text message reminders, you can just paste the link since phones automatically convert links into hyperlinks when they get to the patient.

      Let's walk through those steps now: 
      Settings > Appointment Confirmations > First Reminder > Text Message Reminder > Edit Message. 

      If you are in your Form Settings (1), scroll down to Appointment Reminders, (2) scroll down to the First reminder and use the drop-down menu to choose "Text Reminder".
      Next, select "Edit Message":
      Add a short note about the Forms link and then paste (CTRL+V) the link into the text message, such as the blue highlighted info below:

      "Save Changes"
    4. Add to Custom Campaign 

      You can also paste this copied link into an email or text Custom Campaign that you have created for a specific audience.

    Note: The link becomes invalid if you change the form for any reason after the link has been copied.  Your patient will get an error that the form is not found if you change the form before they click on the link. We have this in place so that a patient does not fill out the wrong version of a form or a form that has not been updated. 
    If you need to edit the form for any reason, you will need to copy that link again to send the patient the newly updated form with the newly updated link.

    How can I add forms to the Patient Portal? You can offer your patients access to online forms by simply adding the forms to the patient portal! What a great place for those forms to live, knowing that patients can access them there at any time! To  get started, head to the Settings tab >  Communications > Patient Connect Portal > Forms & Documents > Add a File
    How can I add forms to my website?

    Navigate to: Settings > Patient Forms > Web Links

    Copy the Patient Forms Page URL in the light blue box.  The link takes patients to a page where they can complete patient forms that have been set as public forms under the Patient Forms Properties.

    To add this to your website,  you can simply provide this link to your web developer!

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