Virtual Visits allows you to quickly start a video call with a patient.
To initiate a call, follow the steps below based on where you are in the platform!
- Open Inbox.
- Select or search for the patient you would like to start a call with.
- Select the Virtual Visit icon next to the patient's name.
- Read through the one-time message to enable this feature and select Get Started. Click Start Virtual Visit to get started with your virtual video:
- Once the patient clicks and accepts the invite on their end - you will be placed into a waiting room until they join.
- Enjoy your Virtual Visit!
- Open Virtual Visits.
- Under Virtual Visits, select Start Virtual Visit.
- Click Enter Room to begin the meeting.
- Click to start the visit.
- Here, you can manage the call, take notes, and invite participants.
- Click "Invite Participants" and follow the instructions on screen.
* Copy the code and use Messenger to text it to your patient to join.
* If you are on the phone and decide to begin a Virtual Visit, walk the patient through the website: and offer the Room ID code to connect: - Collapse the invite details and begin!
How does this work for your patients? Review the screenshots below to see how easy this experience is like for them!
- Once the patient follows the link in your invite, they will land on a page asking for the Room ID:
- They will input the code and select, "Join Room":
- There they are! It's that easy!
The Virtual Visit is a one-time instance and Room IDs are not recycled. During the Virtual Visit, either attendee has the option to mute and turning the camera on/off. Once the meeting is over, the Room can be rejoined for a period of five minutes but is terminated after that time if no one rejoins.
- Once the patient follows the link in your invite, they will land on a page asking for the Room ID:
My patient is telling me that they can’t get to the Visit Room. What could be happening? If you asked them to type in the code, there’s a chance they did it incorrectly, so ask them to double-check it.
If they are joining the visit from their phone, it’s possible their web browser is not supported. They need to be on one of our supported browsers and should upgrade to the latest version of the browser. (to see our complete list of supported browsers, scroll to the bottom of this FAQ article!)Can I send this out to patients on the schedule in advance? At this time, you cannot send an invite to a patient in advance, as the Virtual Visits room will expire. It is best to send the patient the meeting information right before their appointment. What happens if I am disconnected? You have a few options right now:
- Start a new Virtual Visit and send your patient the information again
- Go to and type in the Room ID
- Go to the link you sent your patient if you sent it over email or text and click on it
- If your patient is disconnected, let them know they can click back on the link you sent them to rejoin or they can type in the room ID at
Can multiple doctors in the practice have visits at the same time? Yes! Are we able to bill for teledentistry? While you will need to look into what you are able to do in your state and with the insurance companies you work with, teledentistry is a recognized procedure and has its own dental codes. Can I do this on my phone? Yes: you should be able to if you are using Safari on iOS and Chrome or Firefox on Android. You will have to log in to RevenueWell via our website as this feature is not available in our mobile app yet. How many people can be in a room at once? Two: the doctor and the patient. Is this HIPAA compliant? Absolutely! RevenueWell is a HIPAA compliant solution and our Virtual Visits are part of that. Compatible browsers for Virtual Visits: