Enterprise Campaign Reporting

Enteprise Campaign Reporting is here to help you track data that provides real value to your practice. With this reporting tool, you can make data-driven decisions, streamline campaign management, improve patient engagement, and evaluate outcomes over time.

  • To Access Enterprise Reporting:

    1. Log in to the Enterprise Admin Portal.
    2. Locate the menu option at the bottom titled "Reporting".
    3. Click "Reporting" to open the Enterprise Reporting feature.
      ent portal.png
  • To Generate a New Report:

    1. Click the “Run Report” Button located on the Enterprise Reporting Main
    2. Select Report Details.
      • Report: Choose the report type from the dropdown menu.
      • Start Date: Select the start date.
      • End Date: Select the end date.
        ent portal 2.png
    3. Click "Run" to start generating the report.

    Report generation may take several minutes, depending on the data size and date range. The new report will appear in the Reports Table with a status of In Progress or Completed.

  • Reporting Dropdown Options:

    1. Report Dropdown
      • Select the type of report to search for or create.
      • Note: Initially, only the "Campaigns & Auto Comms Stats" report is available.
      report options 1.png
    2. Status Dropdown

      Filter reports by their status:

      • All Status: Includes all reports
      • Completed: Shows only completed reports
      • In Progress: Shows reports still being generated
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  • The "Campaign & Auto Comms Stats" Report Provides:

    • Statistics for all campaigns run by all locations you have access to within the selected date range.
    • Differentiation between Basic Auto Comms and Custom Campaigns.
    • Attributed visits and their total monetary value.
    • Key performance metrics:
      • Total messages sent via email and SMS.
      • Errors, email read rates, bounce rates, and spam rates.

    This data allows you to evaluate campaign performance, refine strategies, and enhance patient communication.

    Reporting Definitions

    Column Definition

    RW Practice ID

    PracticeName Practice Name
    CampaignName Name of the specific campaign. Campaign names may be system-generated (e.g., Auto Comms) or custom.
    Type Indicates if the campaign is a Base Auto Comm or a Custom Campaign.
    Visits Number of visits attributed to the campaign.
    Value Total monetary value of visits attributed to the campaign. (Note: Some PMS systems may not provide this.)
    TotalSent Total number of email and SMS messages sent.
    SmsSent Total number of SMS messages sent.
    SmsError Number of SMS messages that returned an error.
    EmailSent Total number of emails sent.
    EmailRead Total number of emails that were read.
    EmailBounced Total number of emails that bounced.
    EmailSpam Total number of emails flagged as spam.
    EmailError Total number of emails that returned an error.