Learn more about each insurance verification status below. ⬇️
Insurance Verified |
In addition to this "Insurance Verified" status, there are a variety of warnings that might populate with a verification.
Warning #1: Missing Portal Credentials [Pro] |
Warning #2: Invalid Portal Credentials [Pro] |
Warning #3: MFA Error [Pro] | |
Warning #4: Patient Data Error [Pro] | |
Warning #5: General Portal Error [Pro] | |
Unknown Note: After correcting the information, click "Run Verification" to manually re-run the patient verification. |
Verification in Process |
Self Pay |
Manually Verified |
Retry in Progress |
Insurance Inactive |
Insurance Termed |
Data Missing Note: Ensure all missing data is added and re-sync your PMS to "Run Verification." |
Payer Not Setup or Supported | |
If you are seeing the "Needs Attention" icon, there are a variety of status descriptions you might see explaining what action is required. Click through the carousel below to see each possible "Needs Attention" status. ⬇️ |
Needs Attention #2: Provider NPI Missing | |
Needs Attention #3: Invalid Provider NPI | |
Needs Attention #4: Provider Relationship Error | |
Needs Attention #5: Provider Not Registered | |
Needs Attention #6: Unknown Error Note: This status typically occurs because of a communication issue with the data provider. It might also mean the patient couldn't be found due to an incorrect member ID. Verify the member ID and try rerunning the verification after a short wait. If the issue persists, the patient will need to be manually verified or marked as self-pay. |
For any status requiring updated information in the PMS, ensure that your PMS has re-synced after the updates have been made, then return to the verification status in RevenueWell and click "Run Verification" to manually re-run the patient verification.