SEO: New Website Launch - Search Results Information

Your company has just had their brand new website created with all the bells and whistles, and everyone is very excited about the launch.  After all the finishing touches are made and the site is posted live for the world to see, you conduct a quick search for your site on Google.

You try typing in your main service in your hometown location… nothing? Then you try another service… nothing?? You'll definitely show up for your name, though, right? NOTHING???

Why isn't my brand new website on Google?

The answer is that Google just hasn't found it...yet. They're looking for it. It can actually take search engines up to 3 months to find a brand new website.

Why does it take so long?

It doesn't always take that long. Google sends out "crawlers" on a schedule. Let's say, for instance, they send them out on Jan 1, April 1, July 1, etc. If your website gets launched on Jan 8, then you have to wait until April 1. But if you launch your website on March 25, you only have a few days to wait until April 1.

To get to the root of the problem, it is important to understand how the search engines choose which pages it ranks for certain keyword searches.  Google uses a formula, or algorithm, that generates their search engine page results (SERPs) based on the value they have given of each page on the internet that they have read or indexed.  This algorithm is the equivalent to the Coca-Cola recipe and is very top secret to prevent abuse and provide the best results to searching consumers for the keywords they enter.  So it makes sense to focus on constructing the pages of your website to generate the most value in the eyes of these search engine algorithms resulting in an optimal page rank.  

This process is commonly referred to search engine optimization or SEO. 

PBHS SEO is a specialized service provided by professionals who are continually educated on the industry's latest findings and best practices in Search Engine Optimization. Our job is to get your website found by potential patients in your area who are searching for the services you offer.

Please let us know if you have SEO related questions! You may contact our Sales team at 800-840-5383 for more information on your options for search engine optimization for your new website!