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truForm: Online Medsys


Form Options:

It is highly recommended by both Practice Advisory Group and PBHS that you utilize our PBHS Standard v.6 TruForm. 

This will ensure:

  • Every field from this standard form will integrate within Online Medsys Software

If you choose to use your own custom form, please note any questions which are NOT present on our PBHS Standard v.6 TruForm will not integrate from your custom form within the software.  

Registration Process:

  1. Your TruForm link would be placed on your practice website for patients to complete online:  [ Preview HTML Form]
  2. Once the above form is submitted, your office would receive this completed PDF form [Preview PDF Form] which would integrate directly into your Online Medsys software!

*Please note, you will need to contact your software provider to obtain more information about the pricing for their TruForm bridge, as there may be additional fees.



You can contact Online Medsys Support Below (for existing clients only):

Phone: 713-961-2723
Support Page: [Click Here]


Integration Fields

This includes ALL fields that integrate between TruForm and Online Medsys.  If your custom form is setup correctly, items below will populate within your software. Note, if you have additional fields that are NOT listed below, you can manual enter them into your patients account once integration is completed!

If you use our standard form below, the sections listed below are already integrated!

Integration Field Count: 299 total fields integrate!




  • Patient Name on the form must be split out into first name last name in order to integrate correctly.
  • Patient Address/ City/ State / Zip must be split out into its own fields in order to integrate correctly. 
  • Dentist/Doctor/Orthodontist/Referred By/Nearest Relative Names, on the form must be split out into first name last name in order to integrate correctly. 
  1. Prefix
  2. First Name
  3. Middle Initial
  4. Last Name
  5. Gender
  6. Birth Date
  7. Age
  8. Social Security Number
  9. Email
  1. Address Street Name
  2. Apt 
  3. City
  4. State or Province
  5. Zip or Postal Code
  6. Home Phone
  7. Cell Phone
  8. Have you ever been a patient of our practice
  9. Has a family member ever been a patient of our practice
  10. Employer Name
  1. Referred By First Name
  2. Referred By Last Name
  3. Dentist First Name
  4. Dentist Last Name
  5. Orthodontist First Name
  6. Orthodontist Last Name
  7. Doctor First Name
  8. Doctor Last Name
  9. Nearest Relative First Name
  10. Nearest Relative Last Name
  11. Nearest Relative Phone
  12. Driver’s License
  13. Payment Method

*IF YOU ARE USING A CUSTOM FORM: Emergency Name must be one field (can't be split into first name last name fields, or else it will not integrate). [See Example]

  1. Emergency Full Name
  2. Emergency Relation
  3. Phone Home




  • Responsible Name on the form must be split out into first name last name in order to integrate correctly.
  • Responsible Address/ City/ State must be split out into its own fields in order to integrate correctly. 
  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Relationship to Patient
  4. Social Security Number
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Age
  7. Phone Home
  8. Phone Cell
  9. Email Address
  1. Address Street Name
  2. Address Apt
  3. City
  4. State or Province
  5. Zip or Postal Code
  6. Driver's License
  7. Employer Name
  8. Phone Work




  • Spouse or Guarantor Name on the form must be split out into first name last name in order to integrate correctly.
  • Spouse or Guarantor address/ City/ State /Zip must be split out into its own fields in order to integrate correctly.
  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Relation
  4. Social Security Number
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Home Phone
  7. Employer Name
  8. Work Phone
  1. Address Street Name
  2. Apt
  3. City
  4. State or Province
  5. Zip or Postal Code




  • School Name/ Address/ City/ State must be split out into its own fields in order to integrate correctly.

  1. School Name
  2. School Address Street Name
  3. School City
  4. School State or Province
  5. School Zip or Postal Code
  1. Student Status (Full, Part, Not)
  2. Employed Status (Full, Part, Retired, Not)
  3. Marital Status (Married, Divorced, Widow, Single, Legally Separated)
  4. Do you belong to a PPO or HMO




  • Each insurance type (primary medical, primary dental, secondary medical, secondary dental must be separated into its own area for each question below in order to integrate correctly.
  • All Address/ City/ State and Zip Codes must be split out into its own fields in order to integrate correctly.
  • Insured Name on the form must be split out into first name last name in order to integrate correctly.


  1. Insured Employer Name
  2. Insured Employer Address
  3. Insured Employer City
  4. Insured Employer State or Province
  5. Insured Employer Zip or Postal
  6. Insured Employer Phone Number
  7. Insured Policy Plan
  8. Insured Insurance Company Name
  9. Insured Policy ID
  10. Insured Insurance Address Street
  11. Insured Insurance City
  12. Insured Insurance State or Province
  13. Insured Insurance Zip or Postal Code
  14. Insured Insurance Phone Number
  15. Insured Policy Group Name
  16. Insured Policy Group Number
  17. Insured First Name
  18. Insured Last Name
  19. Insured Relation to Patient
  20. Insured Date of Birth
  21. Insured Gender
  22. Insured Social Security Number
  23. Insured Home Phone
  24. Insured Home Address Street
  25. Insured City
  26. Insured State or Province
  27. Insured Zip Code or Postal Code


  1. Insured Employer Name
  2. Insured Employer Address
  3. Insured Employer City
  4. Insured Employer State or Province
  5. Insured Employer Zip or Postal
  6. Insured Employer Phone Number
  7. Insured Policy Plan
  8. Insured Insurance Company Name
  9. Insured Policy ID
  10. Insured Insurance Address Street
  11. Insured Insurance City
  12. Insured Insurance State or Province
  13. Insured Insurance Zip or Postal Code
  14. Insured Insurance Phone Number
  15. Insured Policy Group Name
  16. Insured Policy Group Number
  17. Insured First Name
  18. Insured Last Name
  19. Insured Relation to Patient
  20. Insured Date of Birth
  21. Insured Gender
  22. Insured Social Security Number
  23. Insured Home Phone
  24. Insured Home Address Street
  25. Insured City
  26. Insured State or Province
  27. Insured Zip Code or Postal Code


  1. Insured Employer Name
  2. Insured Employer Address
  3. Insured Employer City
  4. Insured Employer State or Province
  5. Insured Employer Zip or Postal
  6. Insured Employer Phone Number
  7. Insured Policy Plan
  8. Insured Insurance Company Name
  9. Insured Policy ID
  10. Insured Insurance Address Street
  11. Insured Insurance City
  12. Insured Insurance State or Province
  13. Insured Insurance Zip or Postal Code
  14. Insured Insurance Phone Number
  15. Insured Policy Group Name
  16. Insured Policy Group Number
  17. Insured First Name
  18. Insured Last Name
  19. Insured Relation to Patient
  20. Insured Date of Birth
  21. Insured Gender
  22. Insured Social Security Number
  23. Insured Home Phone
  24. Insured Home Address Street
  25. Insured City
  26. Insured State or Province
  27. Insured Zip Code or Postal Code


  1. Insured Employer Name
  2. Insured Employer Address
  3. Insured Employer City
  4. Insured Employer State or Province
  5. Insured Employer Zip or Postal
  6. Insured Employer Phone Number
  7. Insured Policy Plan
  8. Insured Insurance Company Name
  9. Insured Policy ID
  10. Insured Insurance Address Street
  11. Insured Insurance City
  12. Insured Insurance State or Province
  13. Insured Insurance Zip or Postal Code
  14. Insured Insurance Phone Number
  15. Insured Policy Group Name
  16. Insured Policy Group Number
  17. Insured First Name
  18. Insured Last Name
  19. Insured Relation to Patient
  20. Insured Date of Birth
  21. Insured Gender
  22. Insured Social Security Number
  23. Insured Home Phone
  24. Insured Home Address Street
  25. Insured City
  26. Insured State or Province
  27. Insured Zip Code or Postal Code




  • If you have a group of problems/issues in one question- they will not integrate.  They must be laid out similar to the format given below.

Some items we group together, will come over as one item, see below:

  1. Reason for today's office visit
  2. Are you in good health
  3. Height
  4. Weight
  5. Have there been any changes in your general health in the past year
  6. Are you under the care of a physician
  7. If so, for what are you being treated
  8. Date of last visit
  9. Have you had any illness, operation or been hospitalized in the past five years
  10. If so, describe
  11. Do you have unhealed / recurrent injuries or inflamed areas, growths or sore spots in or around your mouth
  12. If so, describe where
  13. Do you have a prosthetic joint / implant
  14. If so, describe where
  15. Have you had a heart valve replacement or vascular graft
  16. Have you ever had general anesthesia
  17. Have you, or a family member, had any unusual or serious reactions to general anesthesia
  18. Has a physician or previous dentist recommended that you take antibiotics prior to your dental treatment
  19. Rheumatic fever
  20. Damaged heart valves / mitral valve prolapse
  21. Heart murmur
  22. High blood pressure
  23. Low blood pressure
  24. Chest pain / angina 
  25. Heart Attack(s)
  26. Irregular heart beat
  27. Cardiac pacemaker
  28. Heart surgery
  29. Pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic  cough 
  30. Asthma
  31. Hay fever / sinus problems
  32. Snoring
  33. Sleep apnea / CPAP
  34. Difficult breathing / other lung trouble
  35. Tuberculosis
  1. Emphysema
  2. Do you smoke or vape  
  3. If so, how much a day
  4. Do you use chewing tobacco
  5. Blood transfusion
  6. Blood disorder such as anemia
  7. Bruise easily
  8. Bleeding tendency / abnormal bleed
  9. Hepatitis, jaundice, or liver disease
  10. Infectious mononucleosis
  11. Gallbladder trouble
  12. Fainting spells
  13. Convulsions / epilepsy
  14. Stroke
  15. Thyroid trouble
  16. Diabetes
  17. Low blood sugar
  18. Kidney trouble
  19. High cholesterol
  20. Are you on dialysis
  21. Swollen ankles / arthritis / joint disease
  22. Osteoporosis / osteopenia
  23. Osteonecrosis
  24. Stomach ulcers / acid reflux
  25. Contagious diseases
  26. Sexually transmitted diseases
  27. Problems with immune system? Possibly from medication / surgery, etc.
  28. Delay in healing
  29. A tumor or growth
  30. Cancer / radiation therapy / chemotherapy
  31. Chronic fatigue / night sweats
  32. Are you on a diet
  33. A history of alcohol abuse
  34. A history of marijuana or other drug use
  35. Contact lenses
  36. Eye disease / glaucoma
  37. Mental health problems / anxiety / depression
  38. A removable dental appliance
  39. Pain or clicking of jaws when eating
  40. Have you ever been the victim of mental or physical abuse?
  41. Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD? (post-traumatic stress disorder)?
  42. Are you adopted or raised by someone other than your biological parents?
  43. Are you presently or have you ever been under the care of a psychiatrist or admitted to a psychiatric mental health facility?



  1. If you are having surgery today, have you had anything to eat or drink in the last 6 (six) hours
  2. Who is driving you home
  1. Is there any condition concerning your health that the Doctor should be told about
  2. If Yes, describe
  3. Do you wish to speak to the Dr. privately about anything



  1. Is there a possibility of pregnancy
  2. Expected delivery date
  1. Are you nursing
  2. Are you taking birth control pills



  1. Any kind of medication, drug, pills
  2. Blood thinners (Coumadin, Plavix, Aspirin, Vitamin E, Ginko biloba, Aggrenox, Pradaxa, Fish oil)
  3. Have you ever taken diet pills
  4. Any natural product, herbal supplement or homeopathic remedy
  5. Are you taking, or have you ever taken, bone density meds., RANKL inhibitors or bisphosphonates such as Denosumab, Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, IV– Zometa, Aredia, Reclast or Evista in the past 12 years
  6. Tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and/or narcotics on a regular basis?
  7. If so, please list
  1. Please list any medications you are currently taking: (1-20)


  1. If you are under the care of a physician for pain management, or recovering from drug addiction please select the medication you are currently taking:
  2. other description
  3. treating doctor first name
  4. treating doctor last name



  1. Local anesthetic (numbing meds.)
  2. Penicillin
  3. Other antibiotics
  4. Sulfa drugs
  5. Sodium pentothal / Valium /other tranquilizers
  6. Aspirin
  7. Amoxicillin
  8. Codeine or other narcotics
  9. Latex
  10. Soy
  11. Eggs / yolk
  12. Sulfites
  13. Do you have any known allergies
  1. Please list any allergies other than drug allergies
  2. Please list any other medications or antibiotic you are allergic to
    • #1 medication/antibiotic name
    • #2 medication/antibiotic name
    • #3 medication/antibiotic name
    • #4 medication/antibiotic name
    • #5 medication/antibiotic name
    • #6 medication/antibiotic name
    • #7 medication/antibiotic name
    • #8 medication/antibiotic name
    • #9 medication/antibiotic name
    • #10 medication/antibiotic name



  1. Family History of Cancer
  2. Family History of Diabetes
  1. Family History of Heart Disease
  2. Family History of Anesthetic Problems



  1. Is this visit related to an accident
  2. If Yes, what type of accident (auto/work related/other)
  3. Date of injury
  1. Insurance Company Handling Claim
  2. Claim Number
  3. Name of attorney / adjustor
  4. Telephone number