Patient Invitation
Your doctor's office may invite you through email/SMS, to complete your online secure forms before your next scheduled appointment. This will allow you to access all your needed information from home or work, saving you at minimum of 20-40 minutes of in office/appointment time.This invitation will be sent through email, asking you to register online with MySecurePractice Patient Portal.
Patient Registration
These instructions should only be used if you were invited by your doctors office through email/SMS.You will receive an email from: notify@mysecurepractice.com, on behalf of your doctor's office (the practice also has the ability to send your invitation through SMS). Please follow the instructions, and select the link provided in your email invitation to register!!
You will receive an email invitation from your doctor's office (and if selected by the doctor, an SMS text message)
Please follow the instructions and click on the link(s) provided in the email or SMS to register:
The first link provided in this email/SMS, will expire as noted. This link will take you directly to the forms so you don't have to pre-register.
Email Invitation
SMS Text Message Invitation
**Note: if you are a brand new user, Accept the Terms of Use by scrolling to the bottom and selecting Continue:
Now you will be presented with your assigned form(s) to complete.
The second link within the Email/SMS, will lead you through our normal pre-registration, and then will direct you to fill out your assigned form(s) - this link will never expire and can be used when you are ready!
Email Invitation
SMS Text Message Invitation
If you select the second link and 2 step verification is active on this account, you will need to provide at least one phone number for verification with our MySecurePractice system *This is only used for verification purposes.
If you don't see this- skip to step #11
Select the Continue button:
If the practice who invited you has 2 step verification turned on within their account, you will now be asked to Verify your Identity (If you don't see this- skip to step #11):
Make a call to: You should receive a call immediately, make sure you have a pen and paper before hand to write down the secret code.
Send a text to: You should receive a text immediately, as seen below with your secret code.
Select the correct number within the drop down menu to call or text your selected home or cell phone with the secret code:
If you've entered a valid cell phone number, you can choose to receive the secret code with either an automated voice call or sent as a text message!
**Note if your didn't enter a cell phone number, you would not see a text message option above/below.
Select Continue to complete this request.
Enter your secret code received, and select Continue.
(image needed)
Change Delivery Method: Will allow you to use either your landline or cell phone number (if both were provided) to call or text your secret code.
Re-Send Code: The system will either call or text (depending on what selection you first made) the secret code to you again. The old secret code will no longer be valid.
Now you will be asked to set your password associated with this login
Note the Password Instructions on the RIGHT.
Once you create your password, you will be asked to re-enter this same password directly below.
Select the Continue button:
(image needed)
This will lead you to the Patient Portal Login Page here: https://mysecurepractice.com/
Enter your username and the password just created, and select the Sign In button to login:
**Your username would be the email you received the initial MySecurePractice invite from.
These instructions should only be used if you were invited by your doctors office through email.Once you have registered through the email invitation, you can now login and complete your online form(s) at anytime before your scheduled appointment.
You can login anytime below:
Open a web browser(Google Chrome and/or Firefox are the preferred browsers)
In the TOP address bar type the following: https://mysecurepractice.com and select the ENTER key located on your keyboard:
On the Dashboard, select Access Forms
Here you will see a list of any assigned forms you need to complete:
Select the Continue Form button, located to the far RIGHT of the form you would like to fill out:
MySecurePractice will first check for any previously submitted forms under your email address listed on the form you were invited from. This will give you the ability to populate answers for any like questions, from a previously submitted form. Once your new form is populated, you can change or modify anything already answered on the form! *If you have NO previously submitted forms, please click here to SKIP to step 7.
The last 5 previously submitted forms will display in the below list for you your review (you can select the NO button, to skip and fill out a blank form as well):
If you would like to populate the answers from a previous submission onto your current form, click directly on the row of the form date you would like to use:
Click on the Confirm button to populate your form with previous answers OR select NO to open a new blank form to complete:
The selected form will open, allowing you to securely answer everything online including signatures (if present) online!!
*Note, if you populated answers from step 6, it is important to REVIEW and confirm all answers before you submit the form!
Once the form is complete, select the Complete and Send button at the bottom of the form/screen:
If you are NOT ready to submit your form, you can select the Save & Exit button (located in the top right hand corner) once the following fields are completed:
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Email Address
At least one patient phone number field (patient home phone or cell phone)
Once you do select the Complete and Send button:
You will now have the ability to upload any attachments you feel are necessary for the practice's review including (but not limited to): radiographs (x-rays), drivers license or insurance cards.
Either drag and drop those images in this section highlighted below, or click to browse through your computer for the files needed:
Once you select the needed images from your computer, click the Open button:
Now select the Finish button to upload the needed images along with your submitted form:
You will now see one of the below confirmations:
If you have multiple forms to fill out, select the Go To Next TruForm button:
Once you complete your last form, you will see this final confirmation:
Saving Forms
Our online forms will also give you the ability to Save & Exit at anytime. You can utilize this feature if you are invited to the form(s) from your doctor's office, OR if you've submitted the form directly from the practices website.-
In order to see the Save and Exit option, you must first fill in the below required fields:
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Email Address
Patient Phone Number (home phone and/or cell phone)
Once the above required fields are completed, you will notice a Save and Exit button appear in your upper right hand corner of the form
The Confirmation page will give you further instructions to check your email to complete the needed forms anytime before your scheduled appointment:
Within the email invitation, follow the instructions by clicking the website link to register:
If you were invited by your doctor's office and already have a login created- Click Here to skip this section.
Review and Accept the Terms of Use by scrolling to the bottom and selecting Continue:
Now you will be asked to set your password associated with this login:
Note the Password Instructions on the RIGHT
Once you create your password, you will be asked to re-enter this same password directly below.
Select the Continue button:
This will lead you to the Patient Portal sign in page, enter your username/password you just created: https://mysecurepractice.com/
Select the Sign In button to login:
Your username would be the email you received the initial MySecurePractice invite from.
Now you can complete your online forms!!
Referral Instructions
Using the online patient referral form allows a referring doctor to submit their referrals and any attachments they may need to send, digitally through the secure mysecurepractice.com portal.
- The referral forms are usually located under the ‘Referring doctor’ tab on the office’s website.
On the ‘Referral Form’ page, you will see our referral form text along with a button to access the online form
- Once you enter the form, you can navigate by scrolling up and down the page to fill out the necessary information regarding the patient.
Note: the ‘complete and send’ button will show throughout the form for ease of use, but it should only be clicked once you have fully completed the form.
- Once you have completed the form and hit the ‘Complete and Send’ button, you will have the option to upload any necessary attachments.
Make sure once you upload and submit the attachment(s), that you see the window in the upper right hand corner stating ‘success’. If you do not see this window, your attachment may not have successfully been attached to the referral form.
- Once the form and any attachments have been submit to the referring office, you will have the option to download your submitted referral form. Simply click the ‘Download Submitted Form’ button and you will receive a pdf copy of the form you just submit.
- We have included a button on all of our truforms for accessibility purposes.
This button provides the following options:
- Changes the color of the form to black with white text
- Changes the color of the form to white with black text
- Increases text size on the page
- Decreases text size on the page
- Reverts all changes to the look of the form back to the original.
- The referral forms are usually located under the ‘Referring doctor’ tab on the office’s website.