MySecurePractice Login

  • Login

    This will go over how to login to the MySecurePractice Portal.

    MySecurePractice - How to Login

    1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome and/or Firefox are the preferred browsers)
    2. in the TOP address bar type the following: and select the ENTER key located on your keyboard:
    3. Enter your email address (used as your username) into the Your Email Address text field:
    4. Enter the password you previously created during setup within the Your Password text field:
    5. Select the Sign In button to login:
    6. You will be presented with your MySecurePractice dashboard, select the option for the product you would like to review:
      **Please Note, some product icons may not be visible with your login.
    7. Your MySecurePractice dashboard will show you all product options you have available!


  • Forgot

    This will go over how to Reset your password from the MySecurePractice Login Page.

    Forgot Password

    Due to HIPAA compliancy, secure portal passwords are NOT stored by PBHS and must be reset by the user using their account's email address.

    You may need to complete a password reset for the following reasons:

    • Lost or misplaced your password 
    • Locked your account due to 5 or more failed attempts to login.

    PBHS Support cannot complete password resets on your behalf and you must have access to the email account's inbox.

    1. Navigate to the MySecurePractice Login page
    2. Select the Forgot Password option (located directly under the Sign In button).
    3. Enter your email address used as your username into the Your Email Address field:
    4. Select the Continue button:
    5. On the confirmation page, you will see further instructions to check your email:
      • Within the password reset email, select the URL provided to reset your password:
    6. If this account has 2 step verification turned on, you will need to first select how you would like to verify your user from the drop down menu provided below:
    7. Now select the Continue button:
    8. Enter your secret code received on the Verify your identity screen:
    9. Other options include:
      Change Delivery Method Re-Send Code

      Will allow you to use either your landline or cell phone number (if both were provided) to call or text your secret code:

      Once Change Delivery Method option is selected, repeat steps 6-9 above.

      The system will resend the secret code to you using the method you first selected. 

      Once the Re-send Code option is selected, the prior Secret Code will no longer work - repeat steps 8-9 above.

    10. Select Continue:
    11. On the below page, type your new password in the New Password field (noting the Password Instructions below):



    12. In the Confirm new password field, retype your new password again:
    13. Select the Change Password button to update and save your new password:
    14. Select Continue to go back to the MySecurePractice login page.
      *Please remember to use your new password for any future MySecurePractice logins!
  • Change

    This article will walk you through changing your password once you login to MySecurePractice Portal.

    Change Password

    The following rules apply when updating your password:

    1. The password cannot match your last 6 previously used passwords
    2. Minimum of 8 characters in length
    3. Must contain at least 1 character from each of the following four classes:
      • Lower case letters
      • Upper case letters
      • Numbers
      • Contain Non-alphanumeric ("special characters") such as punctuation symbols 

    Additionally, you will need to reset your password if you lock your account due too to many failed attempts to login.

    1. Once you login
    2. On the MySecurePractice dashboard, select the Update Profile option:
    3. In the upper right hand corner, select your name/avatar:
    4. Within the drop down provided, select the Change Password option:
    5. Here on the Change Password page. complete the following:
      1. Enter your Current Password in the top field provided:
      2. Enter your New Password in the middle field provided:
      3. Enter your new password in the Confirm Password bottom field provided:
      4. Select the Save button to update and save your new password.
    6. On the confirmation page, select the Continue button which will take you page to the main MySecurePractice Dashboard:

    *Please remember to use your new password for any future logins!