ADA TV: Playlist & Chairside Consult


  • Playlists

    New playlists can be added anytime. To add a new playlist:
    1. Login to MySecurePractice.
    2. Select the ADA TV icon.
    3. Within the Managing ADA TV page, you can:
    • Create a new Custom playlist

    • Edit Custom Playlists (Rearrange, Add Media, Remove Media)
    • View and add PBHS Shared Playlists - PBHS shared playlists can be added or removed from your account anytime. These are typically shorter, silent dental animations and images that help facilitate patient education and case acceptance during your patient consultations.

  • Chairside

    Consult Mode is the perfect chairside partner, enabling you to focus on facilitating treatment planning and increasing case acceptance. Consult Mode enables you to play ADA TV content chairside via any device that can connect to wifi, such as a laptop or tablet. 
    • For Consult Mode, you can create as many playlists as you'd like. In most instances, you will want shorter playlists that are specific to each major consultation you offer, i.e. creating playlists for dental implants and Invisalign. 

      You can also use Default Consult Playlists. RevenueWell's Default Consult Playlists can be added to your account anytime, but cannot be edited. The following Consult playlists may be activated in MySecurePractice depending on your selections during onboarding:

      • Apicoectomy
      • Dental Implants - Full Lower Arch
      • Dental Implants - Full Upper Arch
      • Dental Implants - Partial Lower Arch
      • Dental Implants - Partial Upper Arch
      • Dental Implants - Single Anterior
      • Dental Implants - Single Posterior
      • Root Canal
      • Sinus Graft
      • Sinus Lift
      • TMJ and/or Wisdom Teeth

      Additionally, PBHS has prebuilt consultation silent animations (per procedure), which can be added to an account anytime. These are called PBHS Shared Playlists.

      Although offices can include YouTube videos in Consult Mode playlists, YouTube may play ads during the video which cannot be removed from the playlist.

    • Although you can use your regular login to access Consult Mode, we do not advise leaving your device with the patient unattended when in Consult Mode. If you need to use Consult Mode unattended, create a Consult Only User, which is a user that can access Consult Mode only and nothing else.

      To create a Consult Only User, contact RevenueWell Support at and request to add this user to your account. Our Support team will create the user for you. At the time of request, you will need to provide a unique email that is not already in use on your account.

    • 1. Login, and select the ADA TV icon from your dashboard.
      2. Within the Playlists in account section, select the Actions drop-down menu of the playlist you would like to view in Consult Mode. 
      3. Select Consult.
      4. Your playlist will appear and should auto-play the first item within your playlist:
      • The playlist will auto-play from start to finish and will loop back to the beginning of the playlist once it reaches the end.


  • Media

    Youtube Video

    You can add an unlimited amount of YouTube videos to your playlist at any time. Repeat these steps for each YouTube video needed.  

    1. Navigate to,  and select the video you would like to use 

      1. if you already have the YouTube URL copied- skip to step 4.

    2. Once the video opens to play, locate the address bar at the top where the URL is visible

    3. Copy the end of the URL after the '=' sign:For example, you would copy the bold part of this YouTube URL here:

      • To give another example:  you may come across a video that has a longer URL

        1. Copy the text after the FIRST '=' sign, all the way to the letter before the '&' symbol:

    4. Back on MySecurePractice, within the "Add Media" page- give the video a title

    5. Select the radio button option for "Youtube Video" (it will be selected by default)

    6. The "Youtube Video ID" will appear directly below, enter the copied portion of the YouTube video URL you completed in Step 3:

    7. Select the "Done" button to finalize this YouTube video into your playlist.

    8. Any new items will be added to the very bottom of your playlist:

      • You can identify the YouTube video ID by looking at the Title within your playlist

      • You can reorder the video within your playlist, or use the "Actions" drop-down to complete the following:

        • Play 
          Play this item directly from your playlist on the TV connected to the ADA TV Stick.  Once this item has played, it will then revert back to the next item that was going to play (before you chose to manually play this media item).  

        • Preview
          Preview the item directly in your browser, from here you can set the volume, start and stop times.

        • CopyAdd a copy/duplicate of this media item to your playlist.

        • Remove
          Remove the item in your playlist.  This will move the item to your "Archived" section, a list located under your active playlist section.  You can "Recover" this item anytime.

    Adding a Image or select RW Template

    You can add an unlimited amount of images to your playlist anytime (PNG/JPG FORMAT ONLY!).  Repeat these steps for each image needed. Please note you should have these images locally saved on the same computer you are uploading images from.

    1. Add a Title to the image you are uploading     
    2. Select the radio button option for "Slide Creator"
    3. You can either upload your own image, or select a template 
      Image requirements will appear directly below, very important to review and understand the following (this will ensure the quality of the images presented on the TV):
      • Only JPG and PNG file types are supported.
      • Full HD 1080 pixel resolution is recommended to deliver sharp images.
      • Full HD 1080 pixel resolution has a vertical resolution of 1080 pixels and a horizontal resolution of 1920 pixels, as well as a 16x9 aspect ratio.
    4. To use a template, click directly on the template image thumbnail you would like to use. 
    5. OR you can upload your image by selecting the "Upload Slide" button
    6. Browse and select the image from your computer, then select Open
    7. This will take you to our Image Editor, [Editor Instructions]         
    8. If you are done editing or have no edits you wish to make, select the Save button in the upper-hand corner:      
    9. You will see a preview of your image directly below the Image Requirements section:              
    10. Select the Done button to finalize this image into your playlist            
    11. Any newly added items will be placed at the very bottom of your playlist
      • You can reorder this new item within your playlist

    Slide Editor

    Within this editor, you can edit your image, including Text, Stickers, Frames, Shapes, and Filters. We will go over a few of the common features below:

    1. Text
    2. Filters

    Adding Text

    You can add text to your image within the Slide Creator Editor. Please follow the instructions below once you are within the Slide Creator Editor.

    1. Within the Slide Creator Editor
    2. Select the TEXT icon below:      
    3. First, select "Add Text", this will add a text field to your image or template:
      **You must 'Add Text' BEFORE you can apply color/font style!
    4. Once the text is on your screen, you can now complete the following:
      1. Adding Text
      2. Moving Text Location
      3. Selecting Text Color
      4. Selecting Text Font
      5. Changing Text Size
      6. Deleting Text

    Moving Text Location on Image 

    1. Once you have the text inserted on the image
    2. Make sure the image is selected (a gray line will border the text once selected).       
    3. Left-click and hold down to select and drag the text field anywhere on the image or template.


    Selecting Text Color 

    1. Within the Slide Creator Editor
    2. Once you have the text inserted on the image        
    3. Make sure the image is selected (a gray border around the text will appear once the text is selected):     
    4. Select a color option in the top text toolbar above, the text color will change instantly:     
    5. If you would like a custom color not presented above, select the artist palette icon below:      
    6. Here you can find your custom color, set the transparency of the font, and/or enter the HEX # of color you would like:
      1. Use the circle on the color bar to find the color you would like to use (from right to left):      
      2. Use the top portion to select the exact shade of that color you would like to use:    
      3. You can change the transparency of any text by sliding the circle icon to the left or right (far left being all the way transparent, and the far right being all the way visible):    
      4. Finally, if you have the HEX # of the color you would like to use, you can add this here:
    7. Once your color is set, click anywhere within the editor to exit your color options!

    Specifying Text Font

    1. Within the Slide Creator Editor
    2. Once you have the text inserted on the image        
    3. Make sure the image is selected (a gray border around the text will appear once the text is selected):
    4. Select the Font option:
      Your font options will appear below:
    5. Within the font drop-down menu, you can select the package of fonts you would like to view:
      1. Once selected, you can scroll down below to view all the font options available in this selection:     
      2. Please note, once you click and select a Font option:        
      3. It will change your selected font, and bring you back to the editor:

    Changing Text Size

    1. Within the Slide Creator Editor
    2. Once you have the text inserted on the image           
    3. Make sure the image is selected (a gray border around the text will appear once the text is selected)        
    4. Select any corner with the gray circle, right-click, and hold down to drag it outward or inward to change the size:
      1. To make the font bigger, right-click and hold down on the corner to drag outward:      
      2. To make the font smaller, right-click and hold down on the corner to drag inward:

    Deleting Text

    1. Within the Slide Creator Editor
    2. Once you have the text inserted on the image         
    3. Make sure the image is selected (a gray border around the text will appear once the text is selected).       
    4. Select the trashcan icon to delete the text.
    5. The selected text will be removed immediately.

  • FAQ

    How do I add media (Youtube Videos) to my custom playlists?
    1. Login to MySecure Practice
    2. Click "ADA TV"
    3. Click the "Actions" drop down menu next to the playlist you want to add a video to
    4. Click "Add Media"
    5. Title your Video
    6. Confirm "Youtube Video" is checked
    7. Copy + Paste the "Video ID" from the Youtube video URL
    8. Select "Done" 


    Why doesn't auto play work?

    Having trouble using Consult Mode or the Playlist Preview feature? The links below provide instructions on how to enable autoplay of videos with different web browsers: ⬇️

    Google Chrome Instructions

    Mozilla Firefox Instructions

    Mac Safari Instructions

    Can I stream on multiple screens at the same time?

    This is only possible by using an HDMI splitter or purchasing an additional firestick.

    Can I set a default playlist?

    If you have multiple active playlists, you can set your devices default playlist as needed.  

    Most ADA TV accounts will have activated Consult Mode PBHS shared playlist.  Once your Amazon Fire TV is connected to your MySecurePractice account, it will randomly pick a playlist as it's Default Playlist.  

    This can be changed at anytime, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Once you login
    2. Select the Silent Partner TV icon
    3. Locate the Devices in account table
    4. Select the Actions drop down of the Device you would like to set the default playlist for
    5. Select the Set Default Playlist option:2023-08-24_08-11-58.png
      • Or, under the Default Playlist column, you can select the edit icon to the left of the playlist name:
    6. A pop-up window will allow you to select the playlist you would like assigned, under the Default Playlist drop down:
    7. Once the correct playlist is selected, click the Save button to confirm this change
    8. Back on the Manage Silent Partner page, your new Default Playlist will be updated:2023-08-24_08-32-05.pngIn order to see the playlist update on your device or ADA TV app, you must Re-sync your device.
  • Troubleshooting

    Common Troubleshooting

    Black Screen


    1. Restart the Firestick:
      Hold the Select button and Play/Pause button simultaneously for at least seven seconds.
    2. Check for Updates:
      Hold "Home" button for 3 seconds > "Settings" > "My Fire TV" > "About" > "Check for Updates," once update downloads > Press "Select" or "Restart" to apply the update.\
    3. Reconnect to the Network:
      Make sure to have Wifi password on hand in case you need to reenter it.
      Hold the Home button for 3 seconds > Navigate to "Settings" > "Network" > Reconnect to the Wifi Network here.

    Enabling Auto-Play 

    Having trouble using Consult Mode or the Playlist Preview feature? The links below provide instructions on how to enable the auto-playing of videos in different web browsers.

    HDMI - 'No signal' error • Toggle 'input' or 'source' on remote
    • Check HDMI number on the back of the TV
    • If device is asleep, power cycle
    If not resolved, restart
    Keyboard - 'Not working, mouse not moving' • Turn on, (rotate keyboard toward you, turn to green)
    • Replace batteries in keyboard, (x2 AA’s)
    • Check that the Bluetooth adapter is plugged into the back of the stick, found on the back of the battery cover of keyboard
    If not resolved, restart
    Network - 'Network not available'

    • Keeps disconnecting - may need Wi-Fi booster, confirm with Art, (dBm > 60 = booster recommended [this means 60% of data from the modem is not getting to their device])

    • Taking a long time to load - download time depends on the Wi-Fi strength, bandwidth, and playlist length, could be hours, days, weeks if it’s bad enough, (if the tv shuts off at night, it will restart and never load)

    ****• DHCP error - Power cycle, while Chrome icon shows as device loads, press CTRL+ALT+S, (hold CTRL+ALT then press S until screen changes), this will bring up the OS screen, ('kiwi' and 'password,') enable a hotspot on a phone/connect to another Wi-Fi in the office, once connected press US in the bottom right, connect to hotspot/alternate Wi-Fi, once connected, login to OS with User: Password: pb#610Hs, click US on the bottom right, (once viewing 'desktop'), then Network Connection Settings, toggle to use Chrome Nameservers, retry connecting to office Wi-Fi, this may take a few tries, once connected to Wi-Fi, go back to Network Connection Settings, use Automatic Nameservers, reconnect, goes to license number screen, (refer to restarted device section above).

    All other issues Uninstall and Reinstall App -

    1. Go to Settings on your Fire TV device.
    2. Select Applications.
    3. Select Manage Installed Applications.
    4. Select the app you want to uninstall, and then Uninstall.
    5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    Log Out and Log Back into App -
    If a client experiences any trouble using the application, they can reconnect to the API by pressing the rewind button on the remote, this will bring up the traditional options menu for the device, there they can select Advanced options > Log out > Log Out Now and then they will need to login with their user’s integration credentials to reconnect with the playlist

    Check for App Updates -
    Press the rewind button, then "Check for updates"
    Note - That is every way that we can support the product, if they are still experiencing issues, they can reach Amazon Support with the Contact Us button on the tutorial page linked above

    Hardware Recommendations

    Amazon Fire Device

    Compatible Models: 2018+ Firestick or Fire TV

    Troubleshooting Steps:

    1. Power the device OFF and then power back ON
    2. Ensure you’re using the correct remote for your device
    3. Check for / install updates on the firestick
    4. Forget and reconnect the firestick to Wifi
    5. Turn off screensaver settings on the firestick
    Samsung Device

    Compatible Models: 2019 +

    Troubleshooting Steps:

    1. Unplug the TV and plug back in
    2. Power the device OFF and then power back ON
    3. Ensure you’re using the correct remote for your device
    4. Check for / install updates
    5. Forget and reconnect to Wifi
