Social Media Content Stream

  • If you subscribe to the social media content stream, RevenueWell will automatically post content to your Facebook feed twice a week.

    The content is neutral and dental-focused. It ranges from educational information posts to holiday wishes. When applicable, it also offers patients a link to request an appointment.

    To see a sample of the content stream posts, you must first turn on the content stream.

    Go to the Settings Tab, then click on Social Media and under Content Streams toggle to Yes. Note that there is a handy tutorial in the upper right corner!

  • RevenueWell maintains a large library of content that you can use at any time. From Dental Humor to Sedation Dentistry, there's plenty of posts for your practice to use.

    You can click "Substitute" to change out a post from a scheduled post:


    Or, you can click "Compose from Library" to add a post to your content stream:
